Category: <span>Research Presentation</span>

Dr. Kundjanasith Thonglek’s poster presentation at ISGC2024

Dr. Kundjanasith Thonglek in this research laboratory gave the following poster presentation in ISGC2024 held in Taiwan on March. Kundjanasith Thonglek, Chonho Lee, Hirotake Abe, Arata Endo, Kohei Taniguchi, Susumu Date, “Towards Privacy and Accessible Through Resource Integration”, ISGC2024, March 2024. (poster presentation) Poster Presentation: Snapshot: Rewards:

Presentation at Japan Prosthodontic Society Kansai Academic Conference by Mr. Zhongbo Tang

Zhongbo Tang, members of this research division, gave the following presentation at Japan Prosthodontic Society Kansai Academic Conference held in Osaka Dental University 100th Anniversary Memorial Hall,  Osaka, Japan on Jan 27 2024.

Research Exhibit @SC2023

In the research booth of CMC, Osaka University at SC2023 held in Dallas, Texas on Nov. 12-17 in 2023, we showcased our research results. From our research vision, four faculty (inc. guest associate professor) and two graduate students were in charge of exhibition. 展示ブース設営の様子: 展示リハーサルの様子: 展示の様子: Rewards: 関連ウェブ: SC展示記録のページ:

Talk at The 4th Global Research Platform (4GRP)

The following talk was conducted by Dr. Susumu Date in The 4th Global Research Platform (4GRP) held in conjunction with IEEE escience 2023 in Limassol, Cyprus in October 2023. In this talk the research activities towards the cyberinfrastructure for sciences were treated. Susumu Date, “Advanced Infrastructure for Science”, The 4th …

Invited Talk at PCCC workshop

Dr. Susumu Date gave the following invited talk in PC Cluster Consortium Workshop ”Front line of HPC Cloud” on Oct. 4 2023. 伊達 進, “クラウドバースティングの実際運用に向けた課題”, PCクラスタコンソーシアム HPCクラウド部会主催 第1回ワークショップ「HPCクラウド最前線」, 九州大学, 2023年10月.

Dr. Tomonori Hayami gave a talk on HeKKSaGOn AI Symposium

In HeKKSaGOn AI Symposium held in Göttingen, Germany on Sept.19-21, Dr.Tomonori Hayami, a specially-appointed assistant professor, gave a talk on the following collaborative research with the Dental Hospital at Osaka University. Tomonori Hyaami, Shintaro Oka, Kazunori Nozaki, Mikako Hayashi, “Utilization of AI Technology in Dental Practice ~myDentalAI~”, HeKKSaGOn Symposium, Göttingen, …

Research presentation at CENTRA 6 by Mr. Kohei Taniguchi

Mr. Kohei Taniguchi, a specially-appointed researcher, gave a talk on the following research result in CENTRA 6 held in Indianapolis, USA on Sept. 13-15, 2023. Kohei Taniguchi, Arata Endo, Hirotake Abe, Chonho Lee, Takahiro Hirofuchi, Ryousei Takano, Takaaki Fukai, Akram Bem Ahmed, Takeharu Kato, Susumu Date, “Challenges in Deterministic Networking …

Keisuke Murashige was awarded the Best Student Presentation at PRAGMA39.

In PRAGMA39 held in Jakarta on Jun. 21-24 in 2023, Mr. Keisuke Murashige, graduate student gave a presentation on the following title, and was awarded the Best Student Presentation. Keisuke Murashige, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo, Hideto Yano, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yukiko Kawai, Ryuta Yamaguchi, “Smartphone Sensor-Based Cycling Environment Monitoring for Bicycle Navigation”, 2023 Pacific Rim Applications and …