Category: <span>Research Presentation</span>

PRAGMA40 Day2 (Penang, Malaysia)

Here is a summary of the activities on Day 2 of PRAGMA40. Speech by PRAGMA Co-Chair: Prof. Susumu Date delivered a speech. Keynote Speech 1: Prof. Susumu Date gave a keynote presentation. Title:Challenges towards Research Data Infrastructure for Accelerating Open Science Lightning Talks and Student Poster Session: 1 minute Presentations …

PRAGMA40 in Penang, Malaysia Day1

The following students and a Specially-Appointed Assistant Professor participated in PRAGMA40 (Pacific Rim Application grid Middleware Assembly) held in Penang, Malaysia. PRAGMA is a networking event for researchers where the student committee takes the initiative in recruiting speakers and managing the schedule. Yoshiki Noguchi was in charge of a Chair …

[call for participation]:Python Tutorial by Mr. Yoshiki Noguchi in our labo. (Oct. 16, 23 and 30)

Mr. Yoshii Noguchi, a graduate student of the Gradute School of Information Science and Technology in our laboratory, will give a pytong tutorial on Oct. 16, 23, and 30 in 2024. This tutorial is scheduled as a part of supercomputing project in the D2 Center. 「Python Tutorial(For Intermediate)」(Oct. 16, 23, …

Lightning talk by Kohei Taniguchi, a Ph. D candidate, for his poster paper at eScience 2024.

In eScience 2024 held in Osaka, Mr. Kohei Taniguchi, a Ph.D candidate in this laboratory, gave a lightning talk and poster presentation on the following research achievement at eScience 2024. Kohei Taniguchi, Arata Endo, Hirotake Abe, Lee Chonho, Kundjanasith Thonglek, Wassapon Watanakeesuntorn, Junya Yamamoto, Susumu Date, “An Enhanced Credit-Based Shaper …

Poster presentation at xSIG2024

In xSIG20224 held in Tokushima on Aut.7 2024, the following poster presentation was conducted. * 並木悠太, 細見岳生, 田主英之, 山下晃弘, 伊達進, “来歴記録システムにおけるeBPFの評価” * 田主英之, 古谷浩志, 細見岳生, 甲斐尚人, 春本要, 伊達進, “大阪大学におけるオープンサイエンス情報基盤の実現に向けて:研究データ利活用を促す全学データ・メタデータ集約管理基盤構想” * 速水智教, 杉木章義, 滝沢寛之, 今倉暁, 田浦健次朗, 小林博樹, 鈴村豊太郎, 塙敏博, 空閑洋平, 宮嵜洋, 石﨑勉, 合田憲人, 谷村勇輔, 遠藤敏夫, 星野哲也, 河合直聡, 首藤一幸, 中村太, 西出一廣, 縄稚美穂子, …

Presentation at xSIG2024 by Mr. Ryota Shimouchi

In xSIG20224 held in Tokushima on Aut.7 2024, Mr. Ryota Shimouchi, a graduate student at our laboratory, gave the following talk. 下内良太, 河口真一, 曽我隆, 山口健太, 川崎隆矢, 伊達進, “AlphaFold2における構造最適化ステップの高速化”, xsig2024, 徳島, 2024年8月. (japanese presentation) This presentation opportunity was the first experience to him. After presentation: Venue (Awagin Hall);

Talk at WSSP 37

In 37th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance (WSSP 37) held in Stuttgart, Germany in Jun 17-18 Germany, the following talk was conducted. Susumu Date, “Aim and Strategy of mdx2, IaaS-typed Computing Infrastructure”, 37th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, HLRS, Stuttgart, Germany, June 2024. Presentation snapshot: Snapshot on Campus: Rewards:

Talk at NUG2024

In NUG2024 held in Hamburg, ßGermany from Jun.12-14 2024, the following presentation was conducted. In the talk mdx2 system, which mdx project by 9 universities 2 two research institutes has installed, was introduced and overviewd. Susumu Date, “Introduction of mdxⅡ, a new cloud infrastructure deployed at Osaka University”, NUG2024, Hamburg, Germany, …