After-pary / farewell party
On Feb. 12, 2025 After-party of bachelor/master thesis and farewell party was held. We threw a party for celebrating “almost” graduation of 2nd year master students and 4th year undergraduate students.
On Feb. 12, 2025 After-party of bachelor/master thesis and farewell party was held. We threw a party for celebrating “almost” graduation of 2nd year master students and 4th year undergraduate students.
On Feb. 12 2025, bachelor thesis presentation session was held at School of Engineering Osaka University. The following four undergraduate students submitted their bachelor thesis and gave presentation on their works. Ryutaro Matsumoto, 透過性と低運用コストを実現するJupyterHub向けクラウドバースティング技術 Yuma Osada, 並列分散時系列画像処理に対する通信オーバーラップ手法の適用性評価 Rintaro Togo, SQUID GPUノードにおける分散深層学習の性能分析・最適化 Riku Hatano, 人物追跡システムにおけるリアルタイム処理に向けたパラメータ選択の検討 Commemorative Photo: together with students/graduate students …
On Feb. 10 2025, Master thesis presentation session was held. The following five graduate students submitted their master thesis and gave presentation on their works. Yu Ikeo, 細粒度来歴採取ツールを対象としたファイル操作ログ削減手法 Shunsuke Hamazato, 多数の測域センサとカメラでの検出結果を相補的に統合した人物追跡手法 Yojiro Hirota, gPTP階層化による広域ネットワーク向け高精度時刻同期手法 Kodai Fukuda, 高性能計算機向けSmartNIC駆動型低侵襲性特権昇格監視機構 Koki Yasuda, 大規模言語モデルを応用した4択問題作問支援ツール Sanpshots: Snapshot before presentation: [D Ⅲ..]
We will held Cyber HPC symposium 2025 under the following organization: Host:D3 Center, Osaka University; The DX Society Research Division, Institute for Open and Transdisciplinary Research Initiatives, Osaka University Cooperation: The Joint Usage/Research Center for Interdisciplinary Large-scale Information Infrastructures (JHPCN); mdx Venue:1F Cybermedia Commons, 3 Center Main Building, Osaka University …
On Feb.7 2025, 2nd-year master students working on master thesis until the last moment of submission deadline (12:00 on Feb.7).. a master student who attempted to re-submit his manuscript (3min before deadline). He found an error after submitting his thesis…
Rehearsal for graduation thesis presentation was conducted today. Hoping that every candidate passes.
In Supercomputing Japan held on Feb. 3-4 2025, Susumu Date was invited and joined as a panelist for panel discussion “Knowledge and technique for HPC engineers from both perspectives of buyers and sellers” Discussion title was related to the mission of our research division (laboratory), the administration and management and …
On Wednesday, January 8, 2025, the kickoff meeting for the “2025 APAC HPC-AI Competition Participation Project” was held at the RIKEN Institute. A tour of the supercomputer “Fugaku” was also held, and members of the participating team “SQUID” from the Date Laboratory also participated on-site. ※These photos were taken as …
On Dec. 25, 2024: Progress report meeting was held in our labo. Snapshots of progress report meeting: Then, Big year-end party ( also, welcome party for Mr. An Xiaowei) was held by our laboratory and The Joint Research Laboratory for Integrated Infrastructure of High Performance Computing and Data Analysis at …
In WSSP 38 held in Cyber Science Center at Tohoku University on 12-13 Dec. 2024, the following invited talks were provided. Tomonori Hayami, “mdx II: The Second Cloud Platform of mdx for Supporting Data Science and Cross-Disciplinary Research Collaborations”, The 38th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance (WSSP), Sendai, Japan, Dec. …