大阪大学 先進高性能計算基盤システム研究部門 (伊達研究室) / Date Laboratory, D3 Center, Osaka University

[call for participation]:Python Tutorial by Mr. Yoshiki Noguchi in our labo. (Oct. 16, 23 and 30)

Mr. Yoshii Noguchi, a graduate student of the Gradute School of Information Science and Technology in our laboratory, will give a pytong tutorial on Oct. 16, 23, and 30 in 2024. This tutorial is scheduled as a part of supercomputing project in the D2 Center. 「Python Tutorial(For Intermediate)」(Oct. 16, 23, …

New center and new research division: Advanced High-Performance Computing Infrastructure Systems Research Division, D3 Center

On Oct. 1 2024, Cybermedia Center was reorganized to D3 Center. Also, our new research division, Advanced High-Performance Computing Infrastructure Systems Research Division was set in D3 Center. Now this research division is set as Advanced High-Performance Computing Infrastructure Systems Research Division, D3 Center, Osaka University, Japan. The same as …

Dr. Kundjanasith Thonglek’s departure

Dr. Kundjanasith Thonglek, Specially-appointed Assistant Professor, is gong to leave Osaka University on Sept. 30, 2024. Today was the last working day at Osaka University. He will be working at a university in Thailand from October. Congratulations. Thank you so much for working hard for our NEDO project. farewell greeting: …