Lightning talk by Kohei Taniguchi, a Ph. D candidate, for his poster paper at eScience 2024.

Lightning talk by Kohei Taniguchi, a Ph. D candidate, for his poster paper at eScience 2024.

In eScience 2024 held in Osaka,

Mr. Kohei Taniguchi, a Ph.D candidate in this laboratory, gave a lightning talk and poster presentation on the following research achievement at eScience 2024.

Kohei Taniguchi, Arata Endo, Hirotake Abe, Lee Chonho, Kundjanasith Thonglek, Wassapon Watanakeesuntorn, Junya Yamamoto, Susumu Date, “An Enhanced Credit-Based Shaper for Resilience to Time-Sync Misalignment”, eScience 2024, Sept. 2024. Osaka, Japan.