大阪大学 先進高性能計算基盤システム研究部門 (伊達研究室) / Date Laboratory, D3 Center, Osaka University

Talk at The 4th Global Research Platform (4GRP)

The following talk was conducted by Dr. Susumu Date in The 4th Global Research Platform (4GRP) held in conjunction with IEEE escience 2023 in Limassol, Cyprus in October 2023. In this talk the research activities towards the cyberinfrastructure for sciences were treated. Susumu Date, “Advanced Infrastructure for Science”, The 4th …

Invited Talk at PCCC workshop

Dr. Susumu Date gave the following invited talk in PC Cluster Consortium Workshop ”Front line of HPC Cloud” on Oct. 4 2023. 伊達 進, “クラウドバースティングの実際運用に向けた課題”, PCクラスタコンソーシアム HPCクラウド部会主催 第1回ワークショップ「HPCクラウド最前線」, 九州大学, 2023年10月.

Dr. Tomonori Hayami gave a talk on HeKKSaGOn AI Symposium

In HeKKSaGOn AI Symposium held in Göttingen, Germany on Sept.19-21, Dr.Tomonori Hayami, a specially-appointed assistant professor, gave a talk on the following collaborative research with the Dental Hospital at Osaka University. Tomonori Hyaami, Shintaro Oka, Kazunori Nozaki, Mikako Hayashi, “Utilization of AI Technology in Dental Practice ~myDentalAI~”, HeKKSaGOn Symposium, Göttingen, …

Research presentation at CENTRA 6 by Mr. Kohei Taniguchi

Mr. Kohei Taniguchi, a specially-appointed researcher, gave a talk on the following research result in CENTRA 6 held in Indianapolis, USA on Sept. 13-15, 2023. Kohei Taniguchi, Arata Endo, Hirotake Abe, Chonho Lee, Takahiro Hirofuchi, Ryousei Takano, Takaaki Fukai, Akram Bem Ahmed, Takeharu Kato, Susumu Date, “Challenges in Deterministic Networking …

Poster presentation at xSIG2023 by Mr. Kohei Taniguchi & Mr. Zhongbo Tang

Kohei Taniguchi and Zhongbo Tang, members of this research division, gave the following poster presentation at xSIG (cross-disciplinary workshop on computing Systems, Infrastructures, and programminG)2023 held in Hakodate Arena, Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan on Aug 2 2023.

Faculty position available (Deadline: Aug. 31 2023)

These positions are not available. In Cybermedia Center, we are recruiting two faculty staff who are expected to work on research and development in this research division. Please apply if you are interested. [1] Specially Appointed Associate Professor (full-time) or Specially Appointed Associate Professor (lecturer) (full-time), Application Information Systems Research …

Keisuke Murashige was awarded the Best Student Presentation at PRAGMA39.

In PRAGMA39 held in Jakarta on Jun. 21-24 in 2023, Mr. Keisuke Murashige, graduate student gave a presentation on the following title, and was awarded the Best Student Presentation. Keisuke Murashige, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo, Hideto Yano, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yukiko Kawai, Ryuta Yamaguchi, “Smartphone Sensor-Based Cycling Environment Monitoring for Bicycle Navigation”, 2023 Pacific Rim Applications and …

Presentation at IPSJ SIGOS workshop by Mr. Tetsuya Wada & Mr. Kohei Taniguchi

Tetsuya Wada and Kohei Taniguchi, members of this research division, gave the following presentations at the 159th JPSJ SIGOS  workshop held in Okinawa, Japan on May 16-17, 2023.   和田 哲也,遠藤新,伊達 進 ”HPCジョブ開始時刻予測に向けた機械学習によるジョブ実行時間推定の実現性及び推定精度の検証”   谷口 昂平,遠藤 新,李 忠翰,齋藤 公利,伊達 進 ”パケットリプレイベースの高性能計算機システム用ネットワークシミュレータの試作”