Hi, I’m Ryutaro.
Continuing from the previous article, I will share what happened on the third day of participating as staff at IEEE eScience 2024.
In the morning, I participated in the “Expanding Horizons of Data Science” workshop.
This workshop aimed at the activities of the Japan-Germany university consortium called HeKKSaGOn.
The consortium was named HeKKSaGOn, which is an acronym coined from the letters that make up the names of member universities: Heidelberg University, Kyoto University, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Tohoku University [in Sendai], The University of Göttingen, and Osaka University.
(“HeKKSaGOn German-Japanese University Alliance”. Osaka University. https://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/ja/international/action/network/hekksagon)
Today’s buffet dinner:
eScience 2024: [web]