IEEE eScience 2024 (Day 3)

IEEE eScience 2024 (Day 3)

Hi, I’m Ryutaro.

Continuing from the previous article, I will share what happened on the third day of participating as staff at IEEE eScience 2024.


In the morning, I participated in the “Expanding Horizons of Data Science” workshop.

This workshop aimed at the activities of the Japan-Germany university consortium called HeKKSaGOn.

The consortium was named HeKKSaGOn, which is an acronym coined from the letters that make up the names of member universities: Heidelberg UniversityKyoto UniversityKarlsruhe Institute of TechnologyTohoku University [in Sendai], The University of Göttingen, and Osaka University.

(“HeKKSaGOn German-Japanese University Alliance”. Osaka University.

I found it interesting when a speaker said in the sessions about machine learning, “While machine learning is a technology that extracts features from given data to predict the future, what researchers are interested in is data that hasn’t been seen in the past. Therefore, an approach different from traditional machine learning is required.”.


Today’s buffet dinner:

eScience 2024: [web]