Specially-Appointed Associate Professor position available  (Deadline: July 12, 2024)

Specially-Appointed Associate Professor position available  (Deadline: July 12, 2024)

This position is no longer available.

Our research division is recruiting an specially-appointed associate professor (full-time) who work on the research and education pertaining to high-performance computing systems as well as large-scale computing system project, especially mdx project of which the Advanced High-performance Computing Infrastructure Systems Research Division (planning) are in charge.

Please apply this job opportunity if interested. The application deadline is July 12, 2024.

The detail is available 20240527-sap-posting-en,
jrecin, or,
CMC Web [url]

Please feel free to contact the following if you have any concern or question.

Contact : Professor Susumu Date, Cybermedia Center, Osaka University, Japan
Tel: +81-6-6879-8792
E-mail: date ! cmc