Year: <span>2024</span>

Progress report meeting & Big Year-end Party (also welcome party for Mr. An Xiaowei)

On Dec. 25, 2024: Progress report meeting was held in our labo. Snapshots of progress report meeting: Then, Big year-end party ( also, welcome party for Mr. An Xiaowei) was held by our laboratory and The Joint Research Laboratory for Integrated Infrastructure of High Performance Computing and Data Analysis at …

Invited Research talk at WSSP38

In WSSP 38 held in Cyber Science Center at Tohoku University on 12-13 Dec. 2024, the following invited talks were provided. Tomonori Hayami, “mdx II: The Second Cloud Platform of mdx for Supporting Data Science and Cross-Disciplinary Research Collaborations”, The 38th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance (WSSP), Sendai, Japan, Dec. …

Talk at mdx symposium 2024

mdx symposium2024 will be scheduled online on Dec.6. The following talk will be schedled. Registration is from the above URL. 10:25 ~ 10:50 「データ活用社会創成プラットフォームmdxの現在地とmdx2による新たな展開」 鈴村 豊太郎(東京大学 大学院情報理工学系研究科 / 情報基盤センター・教授) 伊達 進  (大阪大学 D3センター・教授)

Student Research Exhibition at SC2024

In SC2024 held at Atlanta, GA, from Nov.17 to Nov. 22, D3 Center provided a research booth for showcasing research results and activities related to supercomputing and networking. For the purpose, six faculty staff including invited professors and four graduate students joined from our research division to report and introduce …

Research Exhibition at SC2024

In SC2024 held at Atlanta, GA, from Nov.17 to Nov. 22, D3 Center provided a research booth for showcasing research results and activities related to supercomputing and networking. For the purpose, six faculty staff including invited professors and four graduate students joined from our research division to report and introduce …

[Press release] Newly developed 100Gbps data transfer system for accelerating Open Science through industry-university collaboration in Japan

[Exhibit at SC24] At SC24, we will experiment a long-distance transfer of the high-speed data transfer system, and exhibit at the research exhibition booth of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT *2). The purpose of this experiment is to confirm the performance of the system not only …

Specially-Appointed Assistant Professor position available  (Deadline: Nov. 30, 2024)

Our research division is recruiting a specially-appointed assistant professor (full-time) responsible for the “Research and Development of Continuum Computing Platform” under the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)’s “Research and Development Project for Strengthening Post-5G Information and Communication System Infrastructure / Development of Post-5G Information and Communication Systems …

Specially-Appointed Associate Professor position available  (Deadline: December 27, 2024)

Our research division, D3 Center (Cybermedia Center was reconstructed to D3 Center on October 2024) is recruiting an specially-appointed associate professor (full-time) who work on the research and education pertaining to high-performance computing systems as well as large-scale computing system project, especially mdx project of which the Advanced High-performance Computing …