Poster presentation at xSIG2023 by Mr. Kohei Taniguchi & Mr. Zhongbo Tang

Poster presentation at xSIG2023 by Mr. Kohei Taniguchi & Mr. Zhongbo Tang

Kohei Taniguchi and Zhongbo Tang, members of this research division, gave the following poster presentation at xSIG (cross-disciplinary workshop on computing Systems, Infrastructures, and programminG)2023 held in Hakodate Arena, Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan on Aug 2 2023.

谷口 昂平, 遠藤 新, 阿部 洋丈, 李 天鎬, 伊達 進
“超分散コンピューティング基盤の実現に向けた Deterministic Networking (DetNet) の調査”

Zhongbo Tang, Tomonori Hayami, Tomoaki Mameno, Kazunori Nozaki, Chonho Lee, Susumu Date
“Deep learning based teeth identification and dental restoration extraction on panoramic radiographs”


Snapshots during poster session

Celebration dinner(Kushiyama kushizo):

Left to right:Zhongbo Tang, Tem Sensei, Hayami Sensei, Endo Sensei