大阪大学 先進高性能計算基盤システム研究部門 (伊達研究室) / Date Laboratory, D3 Center, Osaka University



  1. 谷口昂平, 遠藤新, 阿部洋丈, 李天鎬, 広渕崇宏, 伊達進, “DetNetの運用に向けたクロックドリフト下におけるCredit-Based Shaperの遅延保証の分析”, (accepted and appeared soon).
[International Conference (w/ review)]
  1. Hideyuki Tanushi, Hiroshi Furutani, Takeo Hosomi, Naoto Kai, Kaname Harumoto and Susumu Date, “Towards Development of University-wide Data Aggregation and Management Infrastructure for Research Data Utilization”, NRDPISI-1, eScience2024, Osaka Japan, Sep. 2024. [DOI: 10.1109/e-Science62913.2024.10678692]
[International Conference (Oral presentation, poster)]
  1. Susumu Date, “ONION and RED-ONION for Assisting HPC and AI”, The 38th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance (WSSP), Sendai, Japan, Dec. 2024.(invited)
  2. Tomonori Hayami, “mdx II: The Second Cloud Platform of mdx for Supporting Data Science and Cross-Disciplinary Research Collaborations”, The 38th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance (WSSP), Sendai, Japan, Dec. 2024.(invited)
  3. Susumu Date, “Challenges towards Research Data Infrastructure for Accelerating Open Science”, PRAGMA 40, Penang, Malaysia Oct. 2024.[Keynote speech: Invited]
  4. Kohei Taniguchi, Arata Endo, Hirotake Abe, Lee Chonho, Kundjanasith Thonglek, Wassapon Watanakeesuntorn, Junya Yamamoto, Susumu Date, “An Enhanced Credit-Based Shaper for Resilience to Time-Sync Misalignment”, eScience 2024, Sept. 2024. Osaka, Japan.(Reviewed poster paper) [DOI: 10.1109/e-Science62913.2024.10678695]
  5. Susumu Date, “Aggregation of Computing and Data Infrastructure for Highly Productive Data Scientific Research”, The 1st International workshop on Near Real-time Data Processing for Interconnected Scientific Instruments, Osaka, Japan, Sep. 2024.[Keynote speech: Invited]
  6. Susumu Date, “Overview and Progress of the RED ONION Project”, The 5th Global Research Platform Workshop, Osaka, Japan, Sept. 2024.
  7. Susumu Date, “Aim and Strategy of mdx2, IaaS-typed Computing Infrastructure”, 37th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, HLRS, Stuttgart, Germany, June 2024. (invited)
  8. Susumu Date, “Introduction of mdxⅡ, a new cloud infrastructure deployed at Osaka University”, NUG2024, Hamburg, Germany, June 2024.
  9. Kundjanasith Thonglek, Chonho Lee, Hirotake Abe, Arata Endo, Kohei Taniguchi, Takahiro Hirofuchi, Ryousei Takano, Susumu Date, “A Deterministic Scheduler for Hybrid Wired and Wireless Network Resourcesover Cloud-Edge Continuum Computing Platform”. CENTRA 7,Feb. 2024.
  10. Kohei Taniguchi, Arata Endo, Hirotake Abe, Chonho Lee, Takahiro Hirofuchi, Ryousei Takano, Takaaki Fukai, Akram Ahmed, Takeharu Kato, Susumu Date, “A Profile of Deterministic Networking for Cloud-Edge Continuum Computing Platform”. CENTRA 7,Feb. 2024.
[Domestic Conference Paper in Japan]
  1. 下内良太, 河口真一, 曽我 隆, 山口健太, 川崎隆矢, 伊達 進, “AlphaFold2における構造最適化ステップの高速化, xsig2024, 徳島, Aug. 2024.
  2. 曽我 隆, 細見岳生, 山下晃弘, 伊達 進, “ヤコビ法ループにおけるスレッドオーバーラップの評価”, SWoPP2024, 徳島, Aug. 2024.
  3. 廣田洋志郎, 谷口昂平, 大平健司, “ホップ数の仮想的削減によりPTP時刻同期を高精度化する手法の検討”, DICOMO2024, 岩手, June 2024.
[Domestic Conference (Oral presentation, poster) in Japan]
  1. 並木悠太, 細見岳生, 田主英之, 山下晃弘, 伊達進, “来歴記録システムにおけるeBPFの評価”, xsig2024, 徳島, Aug. 2024. (poster)
  2. 田主英之, 古谷浩志, 細見岳生, 甲斐尚人, 春本要, 伊達進, “大阪大学におけるオープンサイエンス情報基盤の実現に向けて:研究データ利活用を促す全学データ・メタデータ集約管理基盤構想”, 徳島, Aug. 2024. (poster)
  3. 速水智教, 杉木章義, 滝沢寛之, 今倉暁, 田浦健次朗, 小林博樹, 鈴村豊太郎, 塙敏博, 空閑洋平, 宮嵜洋, 石﨑勉, 合田憲人, 谷村勇輔, 遠藤敏夫, 星野哲也, 河合直聡, 首藤一幸, 中村太, 西出一廣, 縄稚美穂子, 木越信一郎, 寺前勇希, 大島聡史, 伊達進, “mdxⅡの紹介”, 徳島, Aug. 2024. (poster)
  4. 渡場康弘, 速水智教, 田主英之, 伊達進, 横田秀夫, 小林紀郎, 江口奈緒, 唐牛譲, 古谷浩志, “大阪大学におけるオープンサイエンス情報基盤の実現に向けて:ONION-mdxⅡを活用した4次元画像解析サービス基盤の構築”, 徳島, Aug. 2024. (poster)
  1. 鈴村豊太郎, 伊達 進, “データ活用社会創成プラットフォームmdxの現在地とmdx2による新たな展開”, 6th データ活用社会創成シンポジウム, online, Dec. 2024.
  1. 伊達 進, パネリスト, 第50回記念ASE研究会「10年後の各センターは地球と人類にいかに貢献するか?」, Tokyo, Nov. 2024. (invited)
  2. 伊達 進, “RED-ONION: 大容量データ利活用を駆動するデータ基盤にむけて “, ITインフラSummit 2024 Summer, July. 2024.(オンライン配信:invited)


  1. ⽥主 英之,⼭下 晃弘,細⾒ 岳⽣,並⽊ 悠太,甲斐 尚⼈,松浦 かんな,伊達 進, “研究データ管理を支える学内情報基盤連携の実現に向けて”, 学術情報処理研究, 2023.[DOI:10.24669/jacn.27.1_98]
[International Conference (w/ review)]
  1. Kundjanasith Thonglek, Chonho Lee, Hirotake Abe, Arata Endo, Takahiro Hirofuchi, Ryousei Takano, Kohei Taniguchi,Susumu Date, “Benchmarks for Job Scheduling in Ultra-Distributed Systems”, The 1st International Workshop on Middleware for the Computing Continuum (Mid4CC), Bologna, Italy, Dec. 2023. [DOI:10.1145/3631309.3632836]
  2. Yuta Namiki, Takeo Hosomi, Hideyuki Tanushi, Akihiro Yamashita, Susumu Date, “A Method for Constructing Research Data Provenance in High-Performance Computing Systems”, IEEE eScience 2023, Limassol, Cyprus, Oct. 2023. [DOI:10.1109/e-Science58273.2023.10254932]
[International Conference (Oral presentation, poster)]
  1. Susumu Date, “ONION, a data aggregation infrastructure for Accelerating HPC and AI Research”, The Northeast Asia Symposium 2023 (The International Conference of New Generation Databases and Data-Empowering Technologies), Guangzhou, China, Nov. 2023.(Invited)
  2. Hideyuki Tanushi, “Data Infrastructure Collaboration (ONION-OUKA) towards Open Science”, The Northeast Asia Symposium 2023 (The International Conference of New Generation Databases and Data-Empowering Technologies), Guangzhou, China, Nov. 2023. (Invited)
  3. Susumu Date, “Update of RED ONION using DTN solution in Osaka University”, Asia Pacific Research Platform WG, The 56th Meeting of the Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN56), Aug. 2023.
  4. Keisuke Murashige, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo, Hideto Yano, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yukiko Kawai, Ryuta Yamaguchi, “Smartphone Sensor-Based Cycling Environment Monitoring for Bicycle Navigation”, 2023 Pacific Rim Applications and Grid Middleware Assembly (PRAGMA 39), Jakarta, Indonesia, Jun. 2023.
  5. Susumu Date, Shingo Kawamoto, Takeo Hosomi, Akihiro Yamashita, Seiji Yasuda, Lee Chonho, “Adaptive Job Scheduler Leveraging Deep Reinforcement Learning for Cloud-bursting Environment”, NUG Society Meeting XXXIV(NUG2023), Offenbach and Ludwigshafen, Germany, Jun. 2023.
  6. Susumu Date, “Towards Science DMZ based on Accelerated ONION using DTN”, The 35th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, Stuttgart, Germany, Apr. 2023.
  7. Kohei Taniguchi, Arata Endo, Hirotake Abe, Chonho Lee, Takahiro Hirofuchi, Ryousei Takano, Takaaki Fukai, Akram Ahmed, Takeharu Kato, Susumu Date, “Challenges in Deterministic Networking Implementation for Cloud-edge Continuum Computing Platform”. CENTRA 6, 2023.
[Domestic Conference Paper in Japan]
  1. 田主 英之, 甲斐 尚人, 細見 岳生, 並木 悠太, 山下 晃弘, 伊達 進, “大阪大学におけるONIONを中心としたデータ管理基盤整備にむけて”, FIT2023, Sept. 2023.
  2. 石田祐二郎, 細見岳生, 山下晃弘, 伊達 進, “ロングベクトル環境におけるプロファイルを用いた自動ベクトル化技術”, SWoPP2023, Aug. 2023.
  3. 並木悠太, 細見岳生, 田主英之, 山下晃弘, 伊達 進, “研究データ管理のための透過的な来歴記録システムにおける eBPF の活用”, xSIG (Cross-disciplinary Workshop on Computing Systems, Infrastructures and Programming) 2023, 函館, Aug. 2023.
  4. 谷口昂平, 遠藤 新, 阿部洋丈, 李 天鎬, 伊達 進, “ 超分散コンピューティング基盤の実現に向けたDeterministic Networking (DetNet)の調査”, xSIG (Cross-disciplinary Workshop on Computing Systems, Infrastructures and Programming) 2023, 函館, Aug. 2023. (accepted for poster presentation)
  5. Zhongbo Tang, Tomonori Hayami, Tomoaki Mameno, Kazunori Nozaki, Chonho Lee, Susumu Date, “Deep Learning Based Teeth Identification and Dental Restoration Extraction on Panoramic Radiographs”, xSIG (Cross-disciplinary Workshop on Computing Systems, Infrastructures and Programming) 2023, 函館, Aug. 2023. (accepted for poster presentation)
  6. 河口真一, 伊達 進, 甲斐歳恵, “AlphaFold2を用いたタンパク質間相互作用の迅速スクリーニング”, 第23回蛋白質科学会年会, 名古屋, July. 2023.
  7. 和田 哲也,遠藤新,伊達 進 ”HPCジョブ開始時刻予測に向けた機械学習によるジョブ実行時間推定の実現性及び推定精度の検証”, 第159回システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム研究発表会, 沖縄, May 2023.
  8. 谷口 昂平,遠藤 新,李 忠翰,齋藤 公利,伊達 進 ”パケットリプレイベースの高性能計算機システム用ネットワークシミュレータの試作”, 第159回システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム研究発表会, 沖縄, May 2023.
[Domestic Conference (Oral presentation, poster) in Japan]
  1. 伊達 進, “mdxIIの背景と期待”, Cyber HPC Symposium 2024, 大阪, 2024年3月.
  2. 伊達 進, “クラウドバースティングの実際運用に向けた課題”,PCクラスタコンソーシアム HPCクラウド部会主催 第1回ワークショップ「HPCクラウド最前線」, 2023年09月.(invited)
  3. 伊達 進, “歯学医療データ meets HPC & AI 基盤 ~大阪大学の事例~”, 第43回医療情報学連合大会, 神戸, 2023年11月.
  4. 伊達 進, “クラウドバースティングの実際運用に向けた課題”, PCクラスタコンソーシアム HPCクラウド部会主催 第1回ワークショップ「HPCクラウド最前線」, 九州大学, 2023年10月. (Invited)


  1. 伊達 進,寺前 勇希,勝浦 裕貴,木越信一郎,木戸 善之,”ONION : 大阪大学のデータ集約基盤”, 学術情報処理研究(JACN), 2022. [DOI: 10.24669/jacn.26.1_87]
  2. 杉木 章義, 空閑 洋平, 竹房 あつ子, 藤原 一毅, 合田 憲人, 中村 遼, 塙 敏博, 鈴村 豊太郎, 宮本 大輔, 田浦 健次朗, 伊達 進, 建部 修見, “データ活用社会創成に向けた基盤ソフトウェア環境の構築”, 学術情報処理研究(JACN), vol. 22, no. 1, 2022.[DOI: 10.24669/jacn.26.1_1]
  3. Jotaro Tachino, Hisatake Matsumoto, Fuminori Sugihara, Shigeto Seno, Daisuke Okuzaki, Tetsuhisa Kitamura, Sho Komukai, Yoshiyuki Kido, Takashi Kojima, Yuki Togami, Yusuke Katayama, Yuko Nakagawa, Hiroshi Ogura, “Development of Clinical Phenotypes and Biological Profiles via Proteomic Analysis of Trauma Patients”, Critical Care, Vol. 26, No. 1, Aug. 6, 2022. [DOI:10.1186/s13054-022-04103-z]
[International Conference (w/ review)]
  1. Nao Takizaki, Yoshiyuki Kido, Yoshiyuki Masuda, Yoshihisa Toshima, Matsuki Yamamoto, Shinji Shimojo, “Ontology-Based Access Control Framework for Smart Building IoT Devices”, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE),Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2023. [DOI: 10.1109/ICCE56470.2023.10043384]
  2. Keisuke Murashige, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo, Hideto Yano, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yukiko Kawai, Ryuta Yamaguchi, “Implementation, Measurement, and Analysis of Cycling Environment for a Bicycle Navigation Application”, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2023. [DOI: 10.1109/ICCE56470.2023.10043186]
  3. Arata Endo, Shinji Yoshida, Shuichi Gojuki, Hiroaki Kataoka, Yoshihiko Sato, Akihiro Musa, Susumu Date, “Consideration of a Supercomputing System with Cloud Bursting Functionality from an Operational Perspective”, CloudCom2022, Thailand, Dec. 2022. [DOI: 10.1109/CloudCom55334.2022.00031]
  4. Hideto Yano, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Shinji Shimojo, Nao Takizaki, Yoshiyuki Kido, Yukiko Kawai, Ryuta Yamaguchi, “A MaaS System Architecture for Inducing Users to Solve Social Issues”, IEEE GCCE 2022, Osaka, 18-21, Oct. 2022.[DOI: 10.1109/GCCE56475.2022.10014159]
  5. Toyotaro Suzumura, Akiyoshi Sugiki, Hiroyuki Takizawa, Akira Imakura, Hiroshi Nakamura, Kenjiro Taura, Tomohiro Kudoh, Toshihiro Hanawa, Yuji Sekiya, Hiroki Kobayashi, Shin Matsushima, Yohei Kuga, Ryo Nakamura, Renhe Jiang, Junya Kawase, Masatoshi Hanai, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Tsutomu Ishizaki, Daisuke Shimotoku, Daisuke Miyamoto, Kento Aida, Atsuko Takefusa, Takashi Kurimoto, Koji Sasayama,Naoya Kitagawa, Ikki Fujiwara, Yusuke Tanimura, Takayuki Aoki, Toshio Endo, Satoshi Ohshima, Keiichiro Fukazawa, Susumu Date, Toshihiro Uchibayashi, “mdx: A Cloud Platform for Supporting Data Science and Cross-Disciplinary Research Collaborations”, The 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing (CBDCom 2022), Sep. 2022. [DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2203.14188]
[International Conference (Oral presentation, poster)]
  1. Susumu Date, “Osaka University’s Data Aggregation Infrastructure for Supporting Data-intensive Science”, 34th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, Tohoku University, Oct. 2022.
  2. Susumu Date, “Research Experiences of an On-Time Data Transfer Framework in Cooperation with Scheduler System and Future Directions”, The 3rd Global Research Platform Workshop (3GRP), Salt Lake, Oct. 2022.
  3. Yuta Namiki, Takeo Hosomi, AKihiro Yamashita, Susumu Date, “Concept of a File Tracing Mechanism for Research Data Management in High Performance Computing System”, Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance HLRS, University of Stuttgart, Germany, May 23rd – 24th, 2022.
  4. Kohei Taniguchi, Arata Endo, Chunghan Lee, Masatoshi Saitoh, and Susumu Date, “Towards Practical Interconnect Design: Integrating Job Scheduling and Network Simulation”, The 23rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT’22), December 7-9, 2022, Sendai, Japan
  5. Kazuki Takashima, Arata Endo, and Susumu Date, “Prototyping an MPI-communication Logging Module on Data Processing Unit”, The 23rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT’22), December 7-9, 2022, Sendai, Japan
  6. Shingo Kawamoto, Takeo Hosomi, Seiju Yasuda, Chonho Lee, Akihiro Yamashita, and Susumu Date, “Implementation of Reinforcement Learning in Job Scheduler Slurm”,The 23rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT’22), Sendai, Japan, Dec. 2022.
  7. Yujiro Ishida, Takeo Hosomi Akihiro Yamashita, and Susumu Date, “Towards Profile Guided Source to Source Transformations for Vector Optimizations on SX-Aurora TSUBASA”, The 23rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT’22), Sendai, Japan, Dec. 2022.

[Domestic Conference (Oral presentation, poster) in Japan]
  1. 木越信一郎,勝浦裕貴,寺前勇希,上野雅矢,伊達進, “大阪大学スーパーコンピュータの電力コスト算定の仕組み”, 大学ICT推進協議会2022年度年次大会, 2022年12月.
  2. 並木悠太, 細見岳生, 田主英之, 片岡直記, 山下晃弘, 伊達 進, “高性能計算機システムにおける研究データ管理のための来歴記録システムの実現に向けて”, 大学ICT推進協議会 2021年度年次大会, 2022年12月.
  3. 増田 欣之, 都島 良久, 山本 松樹, 瀧崎 尚, 木戸 善之, 下條 真司, “Cloud Native WoT/IoT Architecture — Edge-cloud Integration の提案”, DICOMO2022, pp.82-86, オンライン, 2022年7月.
  4. 瀧崎 尚, 木戸 善之, 増田 欣之, 都島 良久, 山本 松樹, 下條 真司, “スマートビルのためのオントロジを用いたアクセス制御フレームワークの提案”, DICOMO2022, pp.310-317, オンライン, 2022年7月.
  5. 村重 圭亮, 木戸 善之, 下條 真司, 矢野 英人, 義久 智樹, 河合 由起子, 山口 琉太, “自転車用ナビゲーションアプリのための走行環境データ収集・分析機構の実装”, DICOMO2022, pp.1012-1020, オンライン, 2022年7月.
  6. 高嶋 和貴,遠藤 新, 伊達 進,下條 真司, “DPUを用いたMPI通信ロギング手法の試作”, 第155回 システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム研究会, 沖縄, 2022年5月.

  1. 伊達 進, “高性能計算・高性能データ分析を加速するデータ集約基盤 ONION”, STE シミュレーション研究会, 京都, Mar. 2023.
  2. 伊達 進, “サイバーメディアセンターの ONION 戦略”, 第 6 回ソーシャル・スマートデンタルホスピタル シンポジウム, 大阪, Mar. 2023.
  3. 伊達進, “グローバル化する学術研究を支えるサイバーインフラストラクチャ”, 研究データ管理(RDM)説明会2022 in 大阪 ~研究データポリシーと研究データ基盤の活用について~, 大阪, 2022年12月.
  4. 伊達 進, 山下晃弘, “大阪大学サイバーメディアセンター大規模計算機システムの産業利用制度の拡充にむけた取り組み”, 第3回HPCIフォーラム スーパーコンピュータ「富岳」 産業利用の広場, Nov. 2022.
  5. Susumu Date, “Osaka University’s Data Aggregation Infrastructure for Supporting Data-intensive Science”, 34th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, Sendai,Japan, Oct. 2022.
  6. Susumu Date, “Aim and Concept of ONION, the Data Aggregation Anfrastructure at Osaka University”, NUG Society Meeting XXXII, Prague Czech Republic, May 2022 (online).

  1. Susumu Date, Yoshiyuki Kido, Yuki Katsuura, Yuki Teramae, Shinichiro Kigoshi,“Supercomptuer for Quest to Unsolved Interdisciplinary Datascience (SQUID) and its Five Challenges”, Sustained Simulation Performance 2021, 2022.[DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-18046-0_1]
  2. Hirono Kaneyasu, Kouki Otsuka, Shingo Haruna, Shinij Yoshida, Susumu Date,“Simulation of Field-induced Chiral Phenomena in Inhomogeneous Superconductivity”, Sustained Simulation Performance 2021, 2022.[DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-18046-0_3]


  1. 細見 岳生, 安戸 僚汰, 鯉渕 道紘, 下條 真司 , 二重同型 Hypercube ネットワーク ”, 情報処理学会論文誌コンピューティングシステム, vol.14, no. 3, pp. 1-13, 2021.
  2. Shinji Yoshida, Arata Endo, Hirono Kaneyasu, Susumu Date, “First Experience of Accelerating a Field-Induced Chiral Transition Simulation Using the SX-Aurora TSUBASA”, Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, vol. 8, no. 2, pp.43-58, Sep. 2021. [DOI:10.14529/jsfi210203] (available online)
[International Conference (w/ review)]
  1. Takashi Yoshikawa1a, Masami Hida, Chonho Lee, Haruna Okabe, Nozomi Kobayashi, Sachie Ozawa, Hideo Saito, Masaki Kan, Susumu Date, and Shinji Shimojo, “Identification of Over Thousand Individual Wild Humpback Whale By Fluke Photos”, VISAPP 2022, Online, February 2022 (accepted).
  2. Seiju Yasuda, Chonho Lee and Susumu Date, “An Adaptive Cloud Bursting Job Scheduler based on Deep Reinforcement Learning”, IEEE HPBD&IS 2021, Macau, China, Dec.2021. (accepted)
  3. Arata Endo, Chunghan Lee, and Susumu Date, “Scalability Evaluation of a Per-User Access Control Framework”, CSCI-IOT, Las Vegas, USA, Dec. 2021. [DOI:10.1109/CSCI54926.2021.00291]
  4. Kohei Yamamoto, Arata Endo, Susumu Date, “Architecture of an On-time Data Transfer Framework in Cooperation with Scheduler System”, 18th Annual IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC2021), Nov. 2021 (accepted).
  5. Yuga Takahata, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo, “Design and Implementation of Relay Nodes in SBC Multi-Display System”, Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC) 2022. [DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-98012-2_37]
  6. Kohei Taniguchi, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Architecture of Connectivity-aware Redundancy Control Module for Distributed Resource Management in InfaaS-AP”, MIPRO2021. [DOI:10.23919/MIPRO52101.2021.9596975]
  7. Yoshiyuki Kido, Juan Sebastian Aguirre Zarraonandia, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “A Development of Real-time Failover Inter-domain Routing Framework using SDN”, Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC) 2021, Apr. 2021.  [DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-73100-7_27]
[Domestic Conference Paper in Japan]
  1. 小島 一秀, “eラーニング教材のための最小機能サーバ上で動作する軽量CMS”, 情報処理学会第84回全国大会第4分冊(5H-05), pp.543-544, 2022年3月.
  2. 伊達進, 寺前勇希, 勝浦裕貴, 木越信一郎, 木戸善之, “大阪大学のデータ集約
    基盤ONION”, 大学ICT推進協議会 2021年度年次大会, pp. 130-137, 幕張, 2021年12月.
  3. 伊達 進, “クラウドバースティングの仕組みと今後の課題”, リアルタイム津波学研究会, 2021年6月(online).
  4. 下條真司, 山口琉太, 瀧崎尚, 矢野英人, 木戸善之, 義久智樹, 河合由紀子, 増田欣之, 山本松樹, “Cloud native IOT architectureの提案とその応用”, 電子情報通信学会技術報告書, vol. 121, no. 167, IA2021-22. pp. 49-53, 2021年9月.
  1. 伊達 進, “データ集約基盤ONIONの概要と今後の展開”, Cyber HPC Symposium 2022, Osaka, Japan, March 2022 (online開催).
  2. 伊達進, “SQUID+ONION=? 〜スーパーコンピューティングとデータ集約基盤の相乗効果への期待〜”, 第5回ソーシャル・スマートデンタルホスピタル シンポジウム, Osaka, Japan, March 2022 (online配信).
  3. Susumu Date, Shinji Yoshida, Arata Endo, Hiroaki Kataoka, Shuichi Gojuki, Yoshihiko Sato, Akihiko Musa, “Performance Measurement on the Cloud-bursting Environment in Osaka University”, WSSP32, Sendai, Japan, Dec. 2021.
  4. Shinji Shimojo, Susumu Date, “Osaka University’s Research Infrastructure Towards Acceleration of Global e-Science Research”, eScience 2021, Sep. 2021.
  5. 下條真司, “サイバーメディアセンターにおける産学連携”, 令和3年度第1回 共創機構講演会, July 2022 (online配信).
  6. 伊達 進, “SQUIDの概要”, 学祭大規模情報基盤共同利用・共同研究拠点 第13回 シンポジウム, 2021年7月(online).
  7. 伊達 進, “大阪大学のデータ集約基盤ONIONの概要”, DDN Japan User Forum 2021 ~プロダクトアップデートと最新事例から”今”のDDNを知る! ~, 2021年7月(online).
  1. (1) 伊達進, “高性能計算・データ分析基盤システム (SQUID: Supercomputer for Quest to Unsolved Interdisciplinary Datascience) 〜わが国の学術・産業の発展を支える研究基盤の実現に向けて〜”,サイバーHPCジャーナル, no. 11, pp.3-32, Dec. 2022.[DOI:10.18910/87667]


  1. Arata Endo, Hiroki Ohtsuji, Erika Hayashi, Eiji Yoshida, CHunghan Lee, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Dynamic Traffic Control of Staging Traffic on the Interconnect of the HPC Cluster System”, IEEE Access, Vol.8, pp.198518–198531, Nov. 2020 (accepted)[DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3035158].

[International Conference (w/ review)]
  1. Shogo Matsui, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Susumu Date, Jason Liu, Kaname Harumoto, Shinji Shimojo, “Architecture of Job Scheduling SImulator for Demand Response Based Resource Provision”, ISGC2021, March 2021.
  2. Takeo Hosomi, Ryota Yasudo, Michihiro Koibuchi, Shinji Shimojo, “Dual Plane Isomorphic Hypercube Network”, International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia Pacific Region, pp.73-80, 2020.
  3. Yasuhiro Watashiba, Yuki Matsui, Susumu Date, “Evaluation of Resource Management System for InfaaS-adaptive Disaster Management Application Platform”, 2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), Opatija, Croatia, Sep. 2020. [DOI: 10.23919/MIPRO48935.2020.9245080]
  4. Kazuki Miyagoshi, Yuuichi Teranishi, Tomoya Kawakami, Tomoki Yoshihisa, and Shinji Shimojo, “Proposal of a Logical Sensor Architecture using WoT-Based Edge Microservices”, Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Advanced IoT Computing (AIOT 2020) in Conjunction with the 44th Annual International Computer, Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2020), pp. 1223-1228, July 2020.
  5. Tadahiko Murata, Susumu Date, Yusuke Goto, Toshihiro Hanawa, Takuya Harada, Manabu Ichikawa, Hao Lee, Masaharu Munetomo, Akiyoshi Sugiki, “Distribution System for Japanese Synthetic Population Data with Protection Level”, International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2020, Australia, Dec. 2020 (accepted).
  6. Shogo Kamata, Chunghan Lee, Susumu Date, “Per-user Access Control Framework for Link Connectivity and Network Bandwidth”, The 21st International Conference on Internet Computing & IoT, July 2020. (in printing) [DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-71017-0_42]
  7. Susumu Date, Hiroaki Kataoka, Shuichi Gojuki, Yiki Katsuura, Yuki Teramae, and Shinichiro Kigoshi, “First Experience and Practice of Cloud Bursting Extension to OCTOPUS”, 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, CLOSER2020, pp.448-455, May 2020.[DOI: 10.5220/0009573904480455]
[Domestic Conference (Oral presentation, poster) in Japan]
  1. Susumu Date, Shogo Kamata, Chunghan Lee, “Status Report of Per-user Access Control Framework of Network Resourcestowards Secure Interaction between IoT Devices and Data Center”, US-Japan Workshop on Programmable Networking, NoV. 2020.(online:accepted)
  2. Yoshiyuki Kido, Juan Sebastian Aguirre Zarraonandia, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Real-time Failover Interdomain Routing Framework using SDN”, US-Japan Workshop on Programmable Networking, Nov. 2020.(online:accepted)
[Domestic Conference Paper in Japan]
  1. 勝浦裕貴, 寺前 勇希, 木越信一郎, 伊達進, “スーパーコンピュータOCTOPUSの混雑緩和に向けた取り組み”(Activities for alleviating the workload congestion on the OCTOPUS supercomputing system), 2020年大学ICT推進協議会年次大会, Dec. 2020(発表予定)
  2. 村田忠彦, 市川学, 後藤裕介, 杉木章義, 伊達進, 塙敏博, 原田拓弥, 棟朝雅晴, 李 皓,”日本人口の保護レベル別合成データ配布システム”, 第36回ファジィシステムシンポジウム(ビデオ会議), 久留米, 福岡, pp.269-272, Sep. 2020.
  3. 村木暢哉,木戸善之,高橋慧智,山田拓哉,伊達進,梅谷麗,石橋靖嗣,下條真司, “共有IoT資源利用アプリケーションのためのデータフロープログラミング”, Swopp2020, July 2020 (online: TBA)
  4. 瀧崎尚, 下條真司, 寺西裕一, 義久智樹, 川上朋也, “スマートバイクのためのCloud native arcitectureの検討”, 情報処理学会第83回全国大会, March. 2021.
  5. 宮越一稀, 寺西裕一, 川上朋也, 義久智樹, 下條真司, “センサデータストリーム処理のAoIを短縮するエッジマイクロサービス処理プラットフォームの検討”, 情報処理学会第83回全国大会, March. 2021.
  1. Susumu Date, “Five challenges of new supercomputing system SQUID in Osaka University”, Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance (online), March 2021.
  2. 伊達 進 “新スーパーコンピュータSQUID稼働に向けて -産学連携・産学共創への期待-”, Cyber HPC Symposium 2021, March 2021 (online).
  3. 伊達 進 “スーパーコンピュータSQUIDとデータ集約基盤ONION”, Gfarmワークショップ 2021, March 2021 (online).
  4. 伊達 進, “大阪大学の次期スーパーコンピューティングシステムSQUIDの概要”, 第4回S2DHシンポジウム, 大阪, March 2021.(online/f2f ハイブリッド開催)
  5. 伊達 進, “SQUIDとONIONの概要”, HPC-AI Advisory Council Japan Conference 2021, Jan.26 2021. (Online)
  6. 伊達 進, “次期スーパーコンピュータのかたち”, Cyber HPC Symposium 2020 Online, Sep. 2020.


  1. Chaxiong Yukonhiatou, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Tomoya Kawakami, Yuuichi Teranishi, ShinjiShimojo, “A Fast Stream Transaction System for Real-time IoT Applications”, Internet of Things, Elsevier, 16 pages, Feb. 2020(to appear).
  2. 木全 崇,寺西 祐一, 細川 貴史, 原井 洋明, 下條 真司, “分散クラウドストレージ・処理基盤における消費電力の削減を可能とする負荷分散手法”, 情報処理学会論文誌 Vol.61 No.2 339–350 (Feb. 2020)(特選論文)
  3. Chaxiong Yukonhiatou, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Tomoya Kawakami, Yuuichi Teranishi andShinji Shimojo, “A Method to Reduce Transaction Time for Real-time IoT Applications”,IPSJ Journal of Information Processing (JIP), pp.701-710, Nov. 2019 (Recommendedpaper).
[International Conference (w/ review)]
  1. Yoshiyuki Kido, Nelson Pinto Tou, Naoto Yanai, Shinji Shimojo, “sD&D: Design and Implementation of Cybersecurity Educational Game with Highly Extensible Functionality”, The 2020 Future of Information and Communications Conference (FICC2020), Mar. 2020 [DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-39445-5_62]
  2. Takeo Hosomi, Ryota Yasudo, Michihiro Koibuchi, Shinji Shimojo, “Dual-Plane Isomorphic Hypercube Network”, Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region, HPC Asia 2020, pp. 73 – 80, Fukuoka, Japan, January 15-17, 2020.
  3. M. Mittal, P. Siriaraya, C. Lee, Y. Kawai, T. Yoshikawa and S. Shimojo, “Accurate Spatial Mapping of Social Media Data with Physical Locations,” 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2019, pp. 4113-4116.
  4. Yusuke Moriyama, Chonho Lee, Susumu Date, Yoichiro Kashiwagi, Yuki Narukawa, Kazonori Nozaki, Shinya Murakami, “Evaluation of Dental Image Augmentation for the Severity Assessment of Periodontal Disease”, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, Dec. 2019 [DOI: 10.1109/CSCI49370.2019.00176]
  5. Satoshi Yamanaka, Chonho Lee, Susumu Date, “A Parallel LSTM-based Missing Body Feature Point Completion in Video Frames”, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, Dec. 2019 [DOI: 10.1109/CSCI49370.2019.00121]
  6. Takashi Yoshikawa, Susumu Date, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Yuki Matsui, Kazunori Nozaki, Shinya Murakami, Chonho Lee, Masami Hida, Shinji Shimojo, “Secure Staging System for Highly Confidential Data Built on Reconfigurable Computing Platform”, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and IEEE
    International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), New York, NY,USA, Aug. 2019. [DOI:10.1109/CSE/EUC.2019.00066]
  7. Tadahiko Murata, Takuya Harada, Manabu Ichikawa, Yusuke Goto, Lee Hao, Susumu Date, Masaharu Munetomo, Akiyoshi Sugiki, “Distribution of Synthetic Populations of Japan for Social Scientists and Social Simulation Researchers”, Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC), July, 2019. [DOI: 10.1109/ICMLC48188.2019.8949245]
  8. Yuki Matsui, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Architecture of a Resource Manager for Software-Defined IT Infrastructure”, Proceedings of ISGC 2019 (International Symposium on Grids and Clouds 2019), Apr. 2019 [DOI:10.22323/1.351.0009]
[International Conference (Oral presentation, poster)]
  1. Kazuki Miyagoshi, and Shinji Shimojo, “Realizing robust and secure IoT service with microservices”, PRAGMA37, Sep. 2019 (poster presentation).
  2. Juan Sebastian Aguirre, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, Kohei Ichikawa and Atsuko Takefusa, “Near Real-time Failover Model for Continuous Inter-Domain Communication”, PRAGMA37, Sep. 2019.
  3. Yohei Takigawa, Kazuhisa Shiota, Osamu Watanabe, Kota Sakakura, Takashi Soga, Susumu Date, “Experience and Impression of NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA from Graduate Student’s Perspective”, NUG2019, Kiel Germany, May 2019.
  4. Juan Sebastian Aguirre, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Architecture of Traffic Engineering Module for Programmable Data-Plane Routers”, PRAGMA 36, Jeju, South Korea, Apr. 2019. (Poster)
  5. Kazuki Miyagoshi, Shinji Shimojo, “Performance Evaluation of IoT Protocolson HD-PLC”, PRAGMA 36, Jeju, South Korea, Apr. 2019. (Poster)
  6. Satoshi Yamanaka, Chonho Lee, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “The estimation of Missing Body Feature Points in Moving Images Using LSTM”, PRAGMA 36, Jeju, South Korea, Apr. 2019. (Poster)
  7. Arata Endo, Chunghan Lee, Susumu Date, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo, “Evaluation of SDN-based Conflict Avoidance between Inter-node communication and Staging Communication based on Packet Monitoring”, PRAGMA 36, Jeju, South Korea, Apr. 2019. (Poster)
  8. Yasuhiro Watashiba, Yuki Matsui, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Toward Orchestration on Software-Defined IT Infrastracture for Disaster Management Application”, PRAGMA 36, Jeju, South Korea, Apr. 2019. (Poster)
  9. Shinji Shimojo, “Smart Campus”, PRAGMA 36, Jeju, South Korea, Apr. 2019. (Oral presentation)
[Domestic Conference Paper (w/ review) in Japan]>
  1. 木戸善之, 姫野佑哉, 野崎一徳, 十河基文, 西願雅也, 下條真司, 池邉一典, “下顎運動測定のための顔抽出アプリケーションの拡張”, 第39回医療情報学連合大会, 幕張, 千葉, Nov. 2019.
[Domestic Conference Paper in Japan]>
  1. 伊達進, 片岡洋介, 五十木秀一, 勝浦裕貴、寺前勇希、木越信一郎, “OCTOPUSのクラウドバースティング拡張”, 大学ICT推進協議会 2019年度年次大会, 福岡, Dec.2019.
  2. 松井 祐希, 渡場 康弘, 伊達 進, 下條 真司, “Software-Defined IT Infrastructure におけるオーケストレーション機構の提案と評価”, 第17回 ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 東京, Dec. 2019. (oral)
  3. 瀧川 陽平, 渡場 康弘, 伊達 進, 撫佐 昭裕, 佐藤 佳彦, “ジョブ管理システムSlurmの緊急ジョブスイッチング機能の検証”, 第17回 ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 東京, Dec. 2019. (oral)
  4. 遠藤 新, Chunghan Lee, 伊達 進, 木戸 善之, 渡場 康弘, 下條 真司, “ステージングによるトラヒック競合を自動抽出可能なパケットフロー分析ツール”, 第17回 ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ, 日本ソフトウェア科学会, 東京, Dec. 2019. (oral) [優秀論文発表賞]
  5. 松井祐希, 渡場康弘, 伊達進, 下條真司, “災害管理アプリケーションプラットフォームの自律的な障害復旧を実現する資源管理システムの構築”, IPSJ Computer System Symposium 2019 (ComSys2019), 大阪, Dec. 2019. (poster)
  6. ⽊⼾善之, ⽯⽥和也, 伊達進, 下條真司, “低性能計算機を用いたマルチディスプレイシステムの試作”, IPSJ Computer System Symposium 2019 (ComSys2019), 大阪, Dec. 2019. (poster)
  7. Chaxiong Yukonhiatou, Tomoya Kawakami, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yuuichi Teranishi, and Shinji Shimojo, “An Implementation of Video Surveillance Systems with Progressive Quality Improvement Approach,” マルチメディア,分散,協調とモバイル (DICOMO2019) シンポジウム論文集, pp. 979-984, July 2019.
  1. 伊達 進, “地域AI歯科医療を支える大阪大学サイバーメディアセンターの計算基盤にむけて”, 第3回ソーシャル・スマートデンタルホスピタルシンポジウム, 大阪, 2019年12月.
  2. Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “A Vision towards Future eScience”, 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience), pp.640-641, San Diego, USA, Sep. 2019.(invited paper)
  3. Yoshiyuki Kido, “Development of High-Resolution Screen Sharing Functionality on Tiled Display Wall”, The Asia Pacific Society for Computing and Information Technology (APSCIT) 2019 Annual Meeting, 札幌, Jul. 2019. (招待講演)
  1. Keichi Takahashi, Susumu Date, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo, “Integrating SDN-Enhanced MPI with Job Scheduler to Support Shared Clusters”, 28th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, Mar. 2020.[DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-39181-2_13]
  2. Susumu Date, “Research and Education towards Cyberinfrastructure for Interdisciplinary Data Science ~Past Achievement and Future Collaboration ~”, USM-Osaka University Joint Colloquium: Strategizing Partnership for Smarter Collaboration, Nov. 2019.
  3. Susumu Date, “A Secure Staging Mechanism Accelerating Data Science Using Security-Sensitive Data”, US-Japan Workshop on Bioengineering and Information Science, San Diego, USA, Sep. 2019.
  4. 下條真司, “Society5.0とデータ基盤”, バイオグリッド研究会2019, 梅田, 大阪, May 2019.


  1. Keichi Takahashi, Susumu Date, Dashdavaa Khureltulga, Yoshiyuki Kido, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Eiji Kawai, Shinji Shimojo, “UnisonFlow: A Software-Defined Coordination Mechanism for Message-Passing Communication and Computation”, IEEE Access, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 23372-23382, Apr. 2018. [DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2829532]
  2. Akihiro Misawa, Susumu Date, Keichi Takahashi, Takashi Yoshikawa, Masahiko Takahashi, Masaki Kan, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Yoshiyuki Kido, Chonho Lee, Shinji Shimojo, “Dynamic Reconfiguration of Computer Platforms at the Hardware Device Level for High Performance Computing Infrastructure as a Service”, Cloud Computing and Service Science. CLOSER 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 864., pp.177-199, July 2018. [DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-94959-8_10]
[International Conference (w/ review)]
  1. Yuki Matsui, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Susumu Date, Takashi Yoshikawa, Shinji Shimojo, “Job Scheduling Simulator for Assisting the Mapping Configuration between Queue and Computing Nodes”, Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2019), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 926, pp.1024-1033, Shimane, Japan, March 2019. [DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-15032-7_86]
  2. Chaxiong Yukonhiatou, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Tomoya Kawakami, Yuuichi Teranishi, Shinji Shimojo, “A Scheme to Improve Stream Transaction Rates for Real-time IoT Applications”,Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2019), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 926, pp 787-798, Shimane, Japan, March 2019. [DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-15032-7_66]
  3. Kazuya Ishida, Daiki Asao, Arata Endo, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “High-Resolution Streaming Functionality in SAGE2 Screen Sharing”, Proceedings of the 2019 Future of Information and Communications Conference (FICC 2019), Advances in Information and Communication, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol. 70, pp.384-399, San Francisco, U.S., March 2019. [DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-12385-7_30]
  4. Yusuke Moriyama, Chonho Lee, Susumu Date, Yoichiro Kashiwagi, Yuki Narukawa, Kazonori Nozaki, Shinya Murakami, “A MapReduce-like Deep Learning Model for the Depth Estimation of Periodontal Pockets”, Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies – Volume 5: HEALTHINF, ISBN 978-989-758-353-7, pages 388-395. [DOI: 10.5220/0007405703880395] [Web]
  5. Yohei Takigawa, Keichi Takahashi, Susumu Date, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo, “A Traffic Simulator with Intra-node Parallelism for Designing High-performance Interconnects”, The 2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2018), July 2018. [DOI:10.1109/HPCS.2018.00077]
[International Conference (Oral presentation, poster)]
  1. Hiroaki Morimoto, Takuya Yamada, Keichi Takahashi, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Towards Connected-HPC”, SEAIP2018, New Taipei City, Taiwan, Nov. 2018.(Oral and poster presentatiion)
  2. Yusuke Moriyama, Chonho Lee, Susumu Date, Yoichiro kashiwagi, Yuki Narukawa, Kazunori Nozaki, Shinya Murakami, “A feasibility study of periodontal screening using deep learning techniques”, , SEAIP2018, New Taipei City, Taiwan, Nov. 2018.(Oral and poster presentatiion)
  3. Susumu Date, Yuki Matsui, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Takashi Yoshikawa, Shinji Shimojo, “Job Scheduler Simulator Extension for Evaluating Queue Mapping to Computing Node”, 28th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance (WSSP), Sttutgart, Germany, Oct. 2018.
  4. Yuki Matsui, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Susumu Date, Takashi Yoshikawa and Shinji Shimojo, “Architecture of Job Scheduling Simulator for Evaluating Mapping Between Queue and Computing Node”, PRAGMA 34 workshop, Tokyo, May 2018.
  5. Juan Sebastian Aguirre, Kohei Ichikawa, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Application Aware Traffic Engineering Functionality for an SDN Transit Network”, PRAGMA 34 Workshop, Tokyo, May 2018.
[Domestic Conference Paper in Japan]
  1. 三浦 伸之介, 柏崎 礼生, “広域分散システムにおけるCloudian HYPERSTORE の耐障害性評価の自動化”, RICC-PIoT workshop 2019, ITRC Technical Report, 沖縄, 2019年2月.
  2. 江幡 正樹,阿部 洋丈,下條 真司,伊達 進,野崎 一徳, “SDN環境におけるスライスの独立性検証の高速化”, 第145回システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム研究会, 函館, 2019年2月.
  3. 木戸善之, 片岡祐介, 伊達進, 下條真司, “OpenMN:ネットワーク指向型ディレクティブを用いたMPIコミュニケータ分割機構”, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 第16回ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ, 金沢, 2018年12月
  4. 遠藤新, 伊達進, 木戸善之, 渡場康弘, 下條真司, “インターコネクトにおけるステージング I/O 通信とノード間通信の分離による性能評価”, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 第16回ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ, 金沢, 2018年12月
  5. 松井祐希, 渡場康弘, 伊達進, 木戸善之, 下條真司, “広域連携型災害管理アプリケーション基盤を提供する資源管理システムの検討”, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 第16回ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ, 金沢, 2018年12月 (ポスター発表)
  6. 三澤明寛, 高橋慧智, 渡場康弘, 伊達進, 吉川隆士, 阿部洋丈, 野崎一徳, 木戸善之, Lee CHONHO, 下條真司, “医療応用を考慮した動的構成変更可能計算機クラスタの検討”, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 第16回ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ, 金沢, 2018年12月 (ポスター発表)
  7. 森本弘明, 高橋慧智, 山田拓哉, 木戸善之, 伊達進, 下條真司, “Connected-HPCに向けたネットワークの動的管理技術の設計と実装”, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 第16回ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ, 金沢, 2018年12月 (ポスター発表)
  8. 江幡正樹, 阿部洋丈, 伊達進, 野崎一徳, 下條真司, “ネットワークのスライスの独立性を評価するリアルタイム検証システムに向けて”, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 第16回ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ, 金沢, 2018年12月 (ポスター発表)
  9. 木越信一郎, 伊達進, “スーパーコンピュータシステムにおけるラックデザインの公募について”, 大学ICT推進協議会2018年度年次大会, 札幌, 2018年11月.
  10. Chaxiong Yukonhiatou, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Tomoya Kawakami, Yoshimasa Ishi, Yuuichi Teranishi, Shinji Shimojo, “A Scheme to Improve Stream Data Analysis Frequency for Real-time IoT Applications””, Multimedia, Distributed, Cooperative and Mobile (DICOMO 2018) Symposium, AWARA ONSEN, July, 2018.
  11. 松井祐希, 渡場康弘, 伊達進, 吉川隆士, 下條真司, “細粒度マッピング設定に対応したジョブスケジューリングシミュレータの構築”, 第143回 システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム研究会, Vol.2018-OS-143 No.10, 沖縄, 2018年5月.
  12. 森山雄介, 李天鎬, 伊達進, 柏木陽一郎, 野崎一徳, 村上伸也, 吉川隆士, 下條真司, “歯周炎診断のためのMapReduce型モデルの設計”, The 2nd. cross-disciplinary Workshop on Computing Systems, Infrastructures, and Programming, 東京, 2018年5月. (ポスター発表)
  13. 遠藤新, “SDN によるインターコネクトの動的最適化に関する研究”, OACISシンポジウム, 大阪, 2018年11月.
  14. 清水優仁,谷川千尋,村田征矢,Lee Chonho,山城隆,”矯正歯科治療における顔画像所見記述文生成を行うArtificial intelligence (AI)の開発 (An advanced artificial intelligence system for automated diagnosis generation in orthodontics)”, 第77回日本矯正歯科学会学術大会, 2018年10月.
  1. Susumu Date, “Secure Staging Mechanism towards AI-related research Treating Security-sensitive Scientific Data”, SEAIP2018, New Taipei City, Taiwan, Nov. 2018.(Invited)
  2. Susumu Date, “Lustre on OCTOPUS”, JLUG2018, Tokyo, Oct. 2018, Japan.(Invited)
  1. Susumu Date, “Osaka University Supercomputing Infrastructure towards HPC and HPDA Convergence, UCSD-OU Workshop on Information Science for Future Society, San Diego, March 2019.
  2. Susumu Date, “サイバーメディアセンターの大規模計算機システムの現状と課題”, Cyber HPC Symposium 2019, Osaka, March, 2019.
  3. 木戸善之, “ダイナミックセキュアステージングを用いた医療データ解析環境”, Small-workshop on Communications between Academia and Industry for Security (SCAIS2019), Shiga, Jan, 2019.
  4. Yoshiyuki Kido, “OCTOPUS: a New Supercomputing Service of Osaka University”, Workshop on “Development of simulation by GPU for the study of quark-hadron matter at high temperatures and densities”, Osaka, Nov. 2018.
  5. Susumu Date, “Secure Staging Structure for Treating Security-sensitive Scientific Data”, NUG2018, Aachen, Germany, May 2018.


  1. Akihito Musa, Takashi Abe, Takuya Inoue, Hiroaki Hokari, Yoichi Murashima, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, Shunichi Koshimura, Hiroaki Kobayashi, “A real-time tsunami inundation forecast system using vector supercomputer sx-ace”, Journal of Disaster Research, vol. 13, no.2, 2018. [DOI:10.20965/jdr.2018.p0234]
  2. Ei Khaing Win, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yoshimasa Ishi, Tomoya Kawakami, Yuuichi Teranishi, Shinji Shimojo, “A lost sensor data recovery scheme for sensor data stream multicasting,” Journal of Information Processing, Vol.26, Feb. 2018.
  3. Pongsakorn U-chupala, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Kohei Ichikawa, Susumu Date, Hajimu Iida. “Application-aware network: network route management using SDN based on application characteristics”, CSI Transactions on ICT, pp. 1-11, 2017. [DOI: 10.1007/s40012-017-0171-y]
  4. Kohei Ichikawa, Pongsakorn U-chupala, Che Huang, Chawanat Nakasan, Te-Lung Liu, Jo-Yu Chang, Li-Chi Ku, Whey-Fone Tsai, Jason Haga, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Eiji Kawai, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, Philip Papadopoulos, Mauricio Tsugawa, Matthew Collins, Kyuho Jeong, Renato Figueiredo and Jose Fortes, “PRAGMA-ENT: An International SDN Testbed for a Cyberinfrastructure in the Pacific Rim”, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Mar. 2017 [DOI: 10.1002/cpe.4138].
[International Conference (w/ review)]
  1. Yuuichi Teranishi, Ei Khaing Win, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Shinji Shimono, “A Sensor Data Stream Recovery Scheme for Event-Driven IoT Applications,” in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2017, pp.1-6, Dec. 2017.
  2. Tomoya Kawakami, Yoshimasa Ishi, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yuuichi Teranishi, “A Skip Graph-Based Collection System for Sensor Data Streams Considering Phase Differences,” in Proc. of the 8th International Workshop on Streaming Media Delivery and Management Systems (SMDMS 2017) in Conjunction with the 12th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC 2017), pp. 506-513, Nov. 2017.
  3. Seiya Murata, Chonho Lee, Chihiro Tanikawa, Susumu Date, “Towards a Fully Automated Diagnostic System for Orthodontic Treatment in Dentistry”, The thirteenth IEEE eScience Conference (e-science2017), pp.1-8, Auckland, New Zealand, Oct. 2017. [DOI: 10.1109/eScience.2017.12]
  4. Seika Murata, Kobo Ishigaki, Chonho Lee, Chihiro Tanikawa, Susumu Date, Takashi Yoshikawa, “Towards a smart dental healthcare: an automated assessment of orthodontic treatment need”, The Second International Conference on Informatics and Assistive Technologies for Health-Care, Medical Support and Wellbeing (HEALTHINFO 2017), Athens, Greece, pp. 35-39, Oct. 2017. [Online]
  5. Susumu Date, Takashi Yoshikawa, Kazunori Nozaki, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Yoshiyuki Kido, Masahiko Takahashi, Masaya Muraki, Shinji Shimojo, “Towards a Software Defined Secure Data Staging Mechanism”, Sustained Simulation Performance 2017 (WSSP 2017), pp.15-24, Springer, 2017. [DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-66896-3_2]
  6. C.Lee, S.Murata, K.Ishigaki and S.Date, “A Data Analytics Pipeline for Smart Healthcare Applications”, In Sustained Simulation Performance 2017 (WSSP 2017), pp.181-192, Springer. [DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-66896-3_12]
  7. Keichi Takahashi, Susumu Date, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo, “PFAnalyzer: A Toolset for Analyzing Application-aware Dynamic Interconnects”, the Monitoring and Analysis for High Performance Computing Systems Plus Applications (HPCMASPA) Workshop, Cluster 2017, pp. 789-796, Honolulu, Hawaii, Sep. 2017. [DOI 10.1109/CLUSTER.2017.18]
  8. Yoshimasa Ishi, Tomoya Kawakami, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yuuichi Teranishi, Shinji Shimojo, “A System Design for Detecting Moving Objects in Capturing Video Images Using Laser Range Scanners,” in Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Advances in Data Engineering and Mobile Computing (DEMoC 2017) in Conjunction with the the 20th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS 2017), pp 1027-1036, Aug. 2017.
  9. Ikuo Nakagawa, Shinji Shimojo, “IoT Agent Platform Mechanism with Transparent Cloud Computing Framework for Improving IoT Security”, Proc. of 2017 IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), Jul. 2017(DOI: 10.1109/COMPSAC.2017.156).
  10. Hiroaki Morimoto, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, Keichi Takahashi, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Design and Implementation of SDN-enhanced MPI Broadcast Targeting a Fat-tree Interconnect”, The 2017 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2017), pp.252-258, Genoa, Italy, July 2017. [DOI:10.1109HPCS.2017.46]
  11. Arata Endo, Ryoichi Jingai, Susumu Date, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo, “Evaluation of SDN-based Conflict Avoidance between Data Staging and Inter-Process Communication”, The 2017 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2017), pp. 267-273, Genoa, Italy, July 2017. [DOI: 10.1109/HPCS.2017.48]
  12. P. U-chupala, Y. Watashiba, K. Ichikawa, S. Date, and H. Iida, “Container Rebalancing: Towards Proactive Linux Containers Placement Optimization in a Data Center,” in The 41th IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Computers, Software & Applications (COMPSAC), 2017. [DOI: 10.1109/COMPSAC.2017.94]
  13. Ei Khaing Win, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yoshimasa Ishi, Tomoya Kawakami, Yuuichi Teranishi, Shinji Shimojo, “A Lightweight Multi-receiver Encryption Scheme with Mutual Authentication”, Proc. of the 12th IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Security, Trust and Privacy for Software Applications (STPSA 2017), pp.491-497, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy, July 8th, 2017. [DOI: 10.1109/COMPSAC.2017.20]
  14. Akihito Misawa, Susumu Date, Keichi Takahashi, Takashi Yoshikawa, Masahiko Takahashi, Masaki Kan, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Yoshiyuki Kido, Chonho Lee, Shinji Shimojo, “Highly Reconfigurable Computing Platform for High Performance Computing Infrastructure as a Service: Hi-IaaS”, The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017), pp. 135-146, Apr. 2017. [DOI: 10.5220/0006302501630174]
  15. Yusuke Morikoshi, Hirotake Abe and Kazuhiko Kato. HayACK: Exploiting Characteristically Diverse Paths to Achieve Quick ACKing in MPTCP. International Workshop on the Future of Cloud Computing and Cloud Services (FutureCloud 2017, held in conjunction with IEEE CloudCom 2017), 8 pages. Hong Kong, China, December 2017.
  16. Tomoya Kawakami, Yoshimasa Ishi, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yuuichi Teranishi, “A Skip Graph-Based Collection System for Sensor Data Streams Considering Phase Differences,” in Proc. of the 8th International Workshop on Streaming Media Delivery and Management Systems (SMDMS 2017) in Conjunction with the 12th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC 2017), pp. 506-513, Nov. 2017.
  17. Koji Hasebe, Kazuhiko Kato, Hirotake Abe, Ryutaro Akiya and Masayuki Kawamoto. Traffic Management for Last-Mile Public Transportation Systems Using Autonomous Vehicles. The Third IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2017), 6 pages, Wuxi, China, September, 2017.
  18. Satoru Matsumoto, Yoshimasa Ishi, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Tomoya Kawakami, Yuuichi Teranishi, “A Design and Implementation of Distributed Internet Live Broadcasting Systems Enhanced by Cloud Computing Services,” in Proc. of the International Workshop on Informatics (IWIN 2017), pp. 111-118, Sept. 2017.
  19. Tomoki Yoshihisa, Tomoya Kawakami, and Yusuke Gotoh, “A Zero Interruption-Oriented Mobile Video-on-Demand System by Hybrid Broadcasting Environments,” International Journal of Informatics Society (IJIS), Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 85-93, Sept. 1st, 2017.
  20. Tomoya Kawakami, “Smart Sensor Data Stream Delivery: Geographical Overlay Networks and Those Applications,” in Proc. of the 2017 International Workshop on Smart Info-Media Systems in Asia (SISA 2017), pp. 327-332, Kyushu Institute of Information Sciences, Fukuoka, Japan, Sept. 8th, 2017.
[International Conference (Oral presentation, poster)]
  1. Keichi Takahashi, “An MPI Framework for HPC Clusters Deployed with Software-Defined Networking”, 27th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance (WSSP), Stuttgart, Sendai, Nov. 2017. (TBA)
  2. Keichi Takahashi, “Towards Realizing a Dynamic and MPI Application-aware Interconnect with SDN”, 26th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance (WSSP), Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 2017.
  3. Susumu Date, “OCTOPUS: a new supercomputing service of Osaka University”, Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 2017.
  4. Susumu Date, “Progress report of SDN-enhanced Message Passing Interface”, NUG2017, Leuven, Belgium, May 2017.
  5. Ikuo Nakagawa, “The Future of the Monetary Economy ~ Digital Innovation Also Changes the Economic Model”, Cloud Expo 2017 West,Oct. 2017.
  6. Ikuo Nakagawa, “Global reference model and global garbage collection in the Dripcast”, PRAGMA 32, Gainesville, Florida, USA, Apr. 2017.
  7. Tomoya Kawakami, Satoru Matsumoto, Yoshimasa Ishi, Tomoki Yoshihisa, and Yuuichi Teranishi, “An Implementation of a Rule-Based Distributed Video Processing System,” in Proc. of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN 2017) Demos, 2 pages, June 2017. (デモ)
[Domestic Conference Paper (w/ review) in Japan]
  1. 吉永司, 野崎一徳, 安福健祐, 木戸善之, 下條真司, 和田成生, “空力音響シミュレーションと大規模可視化システムを用いた摩擦音発音の可視化”, NICOGRAPH 2017, pp.056-059, Nov. 2017.
  2. 伊達進, 吉川隆士, 野崎一徳, 渡場康弘, Lee Chonho, 木戸善之, 下條真司, “医療データを高性能計算機システムで利用するためのダイナミックセキュアなステージングシステム”, 第37回日本医療情報学連合大会, 大阪, 2017年11月.
  3. 髙浦宏太朗, 木戸善之, 谷口逹典, 八木雅和, 山田憲嗣, 下條真司, “心不全患者向け遠隔リハビリテーションのプロトタイプシステムの実装および評価”, 第5回看護理工学会学術集会, 金沢, Vol. 7, pp.102, Oct. 2017.
[Domestic Conference Paper in Japan]
  1. Ei Khaing Win, Yuuichi Teranishi, Yoshimasa Ishi, Tomoya Kawakami, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Shinji Shimojo, “A Certificateless Signature Scheme to Reduce Loads on Key Generation Center,” IPSJ SIG Technical Report, Vol.2018-DPS-174, Mar. 2018 (to appear).
  2. 伊達進, “S2DH(ソーシャル・スマートデンタルホスピタル)を支える高性能データ分析基盤”, Social Smart Detanl Hospital (S2DH) キックオフシンポジウム, 大阪, 2018年3月.
  3. 森本弘明, Dashdavaa Khureltulga, 高橋慧智, 木戸善之, 伊達進, 下條真司, “SDNを用いた高機能なインターコネクトの実現”, 日本ソフトウェア科学会ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ, 東京, 2017年12月. (ポスター発表)
  4. Ei Khaing Win, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yoshimasa Ishi, Tomoya Kawakami, Yuuichi Teranishi, Shinji Shimojo, “Design and Implementation of a Reliable and Secure Multi-receiver Stream Delivery System,” IPSJ SIG Technical Report, Vol. 2017-DPS-172, No. 5, pp. 1-6, 海峡メッセ下関, 山口県下関市, Nov. 29th, 2017.
  5. 渡場康弘, 伊達進, 吉川隆士, 阿部洋丈, 野崎一徳, 木戸善之, Lee CHONHO, 下條真司, “高性能計算環境における秘匿性データ解析に向けたダイナミックセキュアステージングシステムの構築”,日本ソフトウェア科学会 ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ, 東京, 2017年12月. (ポスター発表)
  6. 木戸善之, 石田和也, 遠藤 新, 渡場康弘, 伊達 進, 下條 真司, “柔軟な運用を目指したタイルドディスプレイシステム仮想化の研究”,日本ソフトウェア科学会 ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ, 東京, 2017年12月. (ポスター発表)
  7. 江幡正樹, 阿部洋丈, 伊達進, 野崎一徳, 下條真司, “医療データクラウドにおけるネットワーク検証”,日本ソフトウェア科学会 ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ, 東京, 2017年12月. (ポスター発表)
  8. 森本弘明, “SDNを用いたMPIの高速化”, OACISシンポジウム, 大阪, 2017年12月.
  9. 伊達進, 木越信一郎, “全国共同利用大規模並列計算システム調達の背景”, 大学ICT推進協議会2017年度年次大会, 広島, 2017年12月.
  10. 下條真司, “大阪大学におけるビッグデータの研究と人材育成”, 第2回データサイエンス支援サービスシンポジウム, 大阪 Jun. 2017.
  11. 下條真司, “大阪大学サイバーメディアセンターの新たな産学連携について”, バイオグリッド研究会2017, 大阪, May 2017.
  12. 伊達進, “多様な計算ニーズに対応する全国共同利用大規模並列計算システム”, バイオグリッド研究会2017, 大阪, May 2017.
  13. 遠藤 新, 木戸 善之, 伊達 進, 下條 真司, “可視化コンテンツ共有のためのネットワークスライス自動構築システム”, 情報処理学会研究会報告, Vol. 2017-OS-140, No. 11, pp.1-7, 沖縄, May 2017 [情報処理学会電子図書館].
  14. 石田 和也, 木戸 善之, 伊達 進, 下條 真司, “可視化ミドルウェアのスイッチングモジュールの設計と実装”, 情報処理学会研究会報告, Vol. 2017-OS-140, No. 17, pp.1-8, 沖縄, May 2017 [情報処理学会電子図書館].
  15. 中川郁夫, 下條真司, “IoTセキュリティの向上を目指す IoT Agent Platformの提案”, 広域センサーネットワークとオーバレイネットワークに関するワークショップ‎, 2017.
  16. 中川郁夫, 下條真司, “Secure IoTを実現するエージェントプラットフォームの提案”, クラウドウィーク2017, 2017.
  17. 中川郁夫, 下條真司, “Secure IoT Agent Platform における秘匿分散解析手法の応用”, RICC workshop, 2017.
  18. 秋谷 龍太朗, 加藤 和彦, 阿部 洋丈, 長谷部 浩二. 隊列走行可能な交通システムの実稼働可能なシミュレータの開発. 2017年並列/分散/協調処理に関する『秋田』サマー・ワークショップ (SWoPP2017), 2017年7月.
  19. 大羽 史将, 加藤 和彦, 阿部 洋丈, 長谷部 浩二. C言語からHaskellへの変換によるプログラム難読化. 2017年並列/分散/協調処理に関する『秋田』サマー・ワークショップ (SWoPP2017), 2017年7月.
  20. 松本 哲, 石 芳正, 義久智樹, 川上朋也, 寺西裕一, “クラウドサービスを用いた分散型インターネットライブ放送システムの実装と評価,” マルチメディア,分散,協調とモバイル (DICOMO 2017) シンポジウム論文集, pp. 785-791, 定山渓万世閣ホテルミリオーネ, 北海道札幌市, June 29th, 2017.
  21. 川上朋也, 石 芳正, 義久智樹, 寺西裕一, “分散センサデータストリーム配信における位相調整を用いた負荷均等化手法の検討,” 信学技報, vol. 117, no. 78, IA2017-1, pp. 1-6, June 2017.
  22. 義久智樹, 松本 哲, 石 芳正, 川上朋也, 寺西裕一, “全天球映像処理を伴うクラウド分散型インターネットライブ放送システムの設計と実装,”情報処理学会第80回全国大会論文集, 4B-01, 早稲田大学 西早稲田キャンパス, 東京都新宿区, Mar. 14th, 2018.
  1. 伊達進, “OCTOPUS: 大阪大学サイバーメディアセンターの新スーパーコンピュータ”, NEC C&Cシステム SP研究会, 東京, 2017年11月.
  1. 伊達進, “ハイブリッド型スーパーコンピュータOCTOPUSの紹介と利用案内”, Cyber HPC Symposium, 2018年3月
  2. 伊達 進, “OCTOPUS概要”, 全サイバーメディアシンポジウム 2017, 大阪, 2017年12月.
  3. 伊達 進, ”全国共同利用大規模並列計算システム調達の背景と考え方”, 第1回 3センター技術・運用交流会, 海洋研究開発機構横浜研究所, 横浜, 2017年5月19日.


  1. 石 芳正, 川上朋也, 義久智樹, 寺西裕一, “コンシステントハッシュ法を用いた複数センサデータストリーム配信システムの実現と評価”,
    情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.58, No.2, pp. 343-355, Feb. 2017 (推薦論文).
  2. Susumu Date, Hirotake Abe, Dashdavaa Khureltulga, Keichi Takahashi, Yoshiyuki Kido, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Pongsakorn U-chupala, Kohei Ichikawa, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Eiji Kawai, Shinji Shimojo, “SDN-accelerated HPC Infrastructure for Scientific Research”, International Journal of Information Technology, Volume 22, Number 01, 2016.[pdf]
  3. C. Nakasan, K. Ichikawa, H. Iida, P. Uthayopas, “A Simple Multipath OpenFlow Controller using topology-based algorithm for Multipath TCP,” Concurrency And Computation: Practice And Experience, Wiley InterScience, 2016. (in press)
  4. Kazunori Ueda, Makoto Iwata, Ken-ichi Baba and Shinji Shimojo, “Mass-user satisfaction for NFV-based application specific network”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 55-60, September 2016. [pdf]
  5. Toyokazu Akiyama, Yuuichi Teranishi, Ryohei Banno, Katsuyoshi Iida, Yukiko Kawai, “Scalable Pub/Sub System Using OpenFlow Control”, Journal of Information Processing, Vol.24, No.4, pp.635–646, July 2016.
  6. Tomoya Kawakami, Yoshimasa Ishi, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yuuichi Teranishi, “A Sensor Data Stream Delivery Method to Accommodate Heterogeneous Cycles on Cloud”, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E99-B, No. 6, pp. 1331-1340, June 2016.
  7. 坂田恒昭, “オープンイノベーション 2)企業の立場から:産学連携の可能性も含めて”, 医薬ジャーナル 新薬展望2017, vol. 53, S-1, pp.30-39, 2017. [summary]
  8. Hiroaki Yamanaka, Eiji Kawai, Shinji Shimojo, “AutoVFlow: Virtualization of Large-scale Wide-area OpenFlow Networks”, Computer Communications, (in printing). [DOI: 10.1016/j.comcom.2016.12.006]
  9. Hiroaki Yamanaka, Eiji Kawai, Shinji Shimojo, “A technique for full flow virtualization of multi-tenant OpenFlow networks”, Computer Networks, vol. 102, pp. 1—19, 2016. [DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2016.02.029]
  10. Jason H. Haga, Kohei Ichikawa, Susumu Date, “Virtual Screening Techniques and Current Computational Infrastructures”, Current Pharmaceutical Design, Vol.22, No. 46, 2016. [DOI: 10.2174/1381612822666160414142530]
[International Conference (w/ review)]
  1. Satoru Matsumoto, Yoshimasa Ishi, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Tomoya Kawakami, Yuuichi Teranishi, “Different Worlds Broadcasting: A Distributed
    Internet Live Broadcasting System with Video and Audio Effects,” IEEE AINA 2017, March 2017.
  2. Yuuichi Teranishi, Tomoya Kawakami, Yoshimasa Ishi, Tomoki Yoshihisa, “A Large-Scale Data Collection Scheme for Distributed Topic-based Pub/Sub,” in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2017), pp. 235-241, Jan. 2017.
  3. Masaharu Shimizu, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Adaptive Network Resource Reallocation for Hot-spot Avoidance on SDN-based Cluster System”, NetCloud 2016 workshop, 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom2016), Dec. 2016. (10.1109/CloudCom.2016.0105)
  4. Takuya Yamada, Keichi Takahashi, Masaya Muraki, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Network Access Control Towards Fully-controlled Cloud Infrastructure”, PhD. Consortium, 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom2016), Dec. 2016. (10.1109/CloudCom.2016.0076)
  5. Tomoya Kawakami, Yoshimasa Ishi, Satoru Matsumoto, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yuuichi Teranishi, “A Design of a Video Effect Process Allocation Scheme for Internet Live Broadcasting,” Proc. of The 7th International Workshop on Streaming Media Delivery and Management Systems (SMDMS 2016), Nov. 2016
  6. Tomoya Kawakami, Yoshimasa Ishi, Satoru Matsumoto, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yuuichi Teranishi, “An Implementation of a Video Effect Process Allocation Scheme for Internet Live Broadcasting”, Proc. of The 5th IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2016), pp., Oct. 2016.
  7. Satoru Matsumoto, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Tomoya Kawakami, Yoshimasa Ishi, Yuuichi Teranishi, “An Implementation of a Video Effect Process Allocation Scheme for Internet Live Broadcasting,” Proc. of The 5th International Workshop on Advances in Data Engineering and Mobile Computing (DEMoC 2016) in Conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS 2016), pp. 311-316, Sept. 2016.
  8. Kar-Long Chan, Kohei Ichikawa, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Uthayopas Putchong, Hajimu Iida, “A Hybrid Game Contents Streaming Method: Improving Graphic Quality Delivered on Cloud Gaming,” 15th International Conference on Entertainment Computing, p. 149-160, September 2016.
  9. Ikuo Nakagawa, Hiroki Kashiwazaki, Shinji Shimojo, Kohei Ichikawa, Tohru Kondo, Yoshiaki Kitaguchi, Yutaka Kikuchi, Shigetoshi Yokoyama, Shunji Abe, “A design and implementation of global distributed POSIX file system on the top of multiple independent cloud services,” 5th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI), pp. 867-872, July 2016.
  10. Che Huang, Chawanat Nakasan, Kohei Ichikawa, Hajimu Iida, “An SDN-Based Multipath GridFTP for High-Speed Data Transfer,” 2016 IEEE 36th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), p. 763-764, June 2016. (Demo presentation)
  11. C. Sera, S. Matlock, Y. Watashiba, K. Ichikawa and J. Haga, “Hydra: A High-throughput Virtual Screening Data Visualization and Analysis Tool,” International Conference on Computational Science 2016 (ICCS 2016), pp. 2312-2316, June 2016.
  12. Yasuhiro Watashiba, Susumu Date, Hirotake Abe, Kohei Ichikawa, Yoshiyuki Kido, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Eiji Kawai, “Architecture of Virtualized Computational Resource Allocation on SDN-enhanced Job Management System Framework”, proceedings of MIPRO2016 (39th International convention), pp.257-262, May. 2016. [DOI: 10.1109/MIPRO.2016.7522145]
  13. Arata Endo, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Haruo Takemura, Shinji Shimojo, “Improvement of Scalability in Sharing Visualization Contents for Heterogeneous Display Environments”, Proceedings of ISGC 2016 (International Symposium on Grids and Clouds 2016), Mar. 2016. [https://pos.sissa.it/cgi-bin/reader/contribution.cgi?id=270/009]
[International Conference (Oral presentation, poster)]
  1. Choho Lee, Seiya Murata, Kobo Ishigaki, Susumu Date, Chihiro Tanikawa, Kazunori Nozaki, A Deep Learning-based Orthodontic Diagnostic System, 25th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, pp. 107-114, March 2017.
  2. Kazuya Ishida, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “A Switching Mechanism of Visualization middleware and Application using Docker”, ISGC 2017 (International Symposium on Grids and Clouds 2017), Mar. 2017. (poster)
  3. Yasuhiro Watashiba, José Fortes, Jason Haga, Kohei Ichikawa, Susumu Date, Hirotake Abe, Yoshiyuki Kido, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Ryousei Takano, Ryusuke Egawa, “Toward Construction of Resilient Software-Defined IT Infrastructure for Supporting Disaster Management Applications”, ISGC 2017 (International Symposium on Grids and Clouds 2017), Mar. 2017. (poster)
  4. Susumu Date, Takashi Yoshikawa, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo, Masahiko Takahashi, Masaki Kan, Masaki Muraki, “A Proposal of On-demand Staging leveraging Job Management System and Software Defined Networking”, Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance (WSSP), Stuttgart, Germany, Dec. 2016.
  5. Wassapon Watanakeesuntorn, Kohei Ichikawa, Putchong Uthayopass, “An Implementation of OpenFlow Network Monitoring and Visualization Tools,” PRAGMA31 Workshop, Bangkok, September 2016. (Demo presentation)
  6. Chawanat Nakasan, Kohei Ichikawa, Hajimu Iida, “Implementing and Testing Ceph Distributed File System with Multipath TCP,” PRAGMA31 Workshop, Bangkok, September 2016.
  7. Pongsakorn U-chupala, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Kohei Ichikawa, Susumu Date, Hajimu Iida, “Container Rebalancing: Towards Proactive Linux Containers Placement Optimization in a Data Center,” PRAGMA31 Workshop, Bangkok, September 2016. (Poster)
  8. Yoshiyuki Kido, “SDN-NFV Infrastructure for Disaster Mitigation and Smart Cities”, SEAIP 2016, Pingtung, Taiwan, 5-9, Dec., 2016. (Oral)
  9. Takuya Yamada, Keichi Takahashi, Masaya Muraki, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shimojo Shinji, “A Proposal of Access Control Mechanism for the IoT world”, ASEAN IVO Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, 6 Sep., 2016. (Oral)
  10. Takuya Yamada, Keichi Takahashi, Masaya Muraki, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shimojo Shinji, “A Proposal of Access Control Mechanism Towards User-dedicated PRAGMA-ENT for IoT Era”, PRAGMA Workshop 31, Bangkok, Thailand, 7-9, Sep., 2016. (Poster) [The 2nd Place of the Students Poster Award]
[Domestic Conference Paper (w/review) in Japan]
  1. 柏崎礼生, 北口善明, 市川昊平, 近堂徹, 中川郁夫, 菊池豊, 下條真司, “広域分散仮想化環境の展開・運用・管理コストの定量的評価,” インターネットと運用技術シンポジウム2016論文集, pp. 18-25, December 2016.
  2. 柏崎礼生, 西内一馬, 北口善明, 市川昊平, 近堂徹, 中川郁夫, 菊池豊, “ネットワーク災害訓練のシナリオ記述コストを低減するインターフェイスの設計と実装,” インターネットと運用技術シンポジウム2016論文集, pp. 33-40, December 2016.
[Domestic Conference Paper in Japan]
  1. Xuliang Wang, Pongsakorn U-chupala, Kohei Ichikawa, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Chantana Chantrapornchai, Putchong Uthayopas, Hajimu Iida, “Design of a flow-level monitoring middleware for automatic flow categorization,” 信学技報, vol. 116, no. 79, pp. 1-6, June 2016.
  2. 伊達進, 吉川隆士, 高橋雅彦, 菅真樹, 渡場康弘, Chonho Lee, 木戸善之, 下條真司, “多様化する計算要求に柔軟に対応できる計算基盤の実現に向けて”, 大学ICT推進協議会2016年度年次大会, Dec. 2016.
  3. 川上朋也,石芳正,義久智樹,寺西裕一, “センサデータストリーム収集システムにおける中継ノードを用いた負荷均等化手法の検討”,信学技報, Vol. 116, No. 292, pp. 35-39, Nov. 2016.
  4. 高橋慧智, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, 木戸善之, 伊達進, 下條真司, “MPI通信パターンに基づくSDN制御を高速化するカーネルモジュールの試作と評価”, 情報処理学会研究会報告, Vol. 2016-OS-137, No. 13, 沖縄, 2016年5月.
[Symposium, Invited]
  1. 木戸善之, “HPC(High Performance Computing)とHPDA(High Performance Data Analysis)を支える計算基盤~サイバーHPCシンポジウム:パネルディスカッションの総括”, 2017年3月.
  2. 伊達進, “サイバーメディアセンター計算基盤の方向性”, BigData/IoT/AIのコンピュータ基盤ワークショップ, 2017年3月.
  3. 伊達進, “全国共同利用大規模並列計算システムの概要”, Cyber HPC Symposium, 2017年3月.
  4. 下條真司, “防災減災のための可視化と情報通信システム”, HPCS2017 オーガナイズド セッション, 2016年6月.
  5. 下條真司,”身近なIoTプロジェクトの推進ー新しい時代の幸せをデザインする”, CEATEC 2016 身近なIoT特別セッション[TR-20], 2016年10月.
  6. 下條真司, “都市におけるIoTの活用”, 「大阪・関西IoT活用推進フォーラム」第3回例会, 2017年1月.
  7. 下條真司, “International Collaboration of IoT R&D”, 日本ASEAN IoTシンポジウム, 2016年8月.
  8. 下條真司, 「大阪大学におけるデータビリティへの取組み, OACISシンポジウム, 2016年12月
  9. 下條真司,「都市におけるIoTの活用」, APIRフォーラム, 2017年1月.

[Books, Articles, and so on]

  1. 坂田恒昭, “第2章 第1節 シオノギ創薬イノベーションコンペ(FINDS)の仕組みと留意点”, 「オープンイノベーションによる新事業創出、早期事業化とその実践事例」, pp. 37-pp. 44, 技術情報協会 2017年.
  2. 川上朋也,石芳正,松本 哲, 義久智樹,寺西裕一, “A Design of a Video Effect Process Allocation Scheme for Internet Live Broadcasting,” Elsevier Book Chapter, Advances on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing, pp.619-628 , Jan. 2017.


  1. Yoshiyuki Kido, Kohei Ichikawa, Susumu Date, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Hirotake Abe, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Eiji Kawai, Shinji Shimjo, “SAGE-based Tiled Display Wall Enhanced with Dynamic Routing Functionality Triggered by User Interaction”, Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), Vol.56, pp.303-314, Mar. 2016. [DOI:10.1016/j.future.2015.09.033]
  2. 石芳正, 川上朋也, 義久智樹, 寺西 裕一, “収集周期の異なるセンサデータストリームのための上限ホップ数を設けた P2P 型配信システムの実現と評価”, 情報処理学会論文誌, vol.57, no.2, pp.583-596, Feb. 2016. [https://id.nii.ac.jp/1001/00148162/]
  3. Tomoya Kawakami,Yoshimasa Ishi,Tomoki Yoshihisa,Yuuichi Teranishi, “A Churn Resilience Technique on P2P Sensor Data Stream Delivery System Using Distributed Hashing”, International Journal of Computing and Informatics (Informatica), Vol.39, No.4, pp.355-363, Dec. 2015. [Journal Web Page]
  4. Ryoichi Jingai, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “A High Resolution Graph Viewer for Multi-monitor Visualization Environment”, The Review of Socionetwork Strategies, Vol.9, Issue 1, pp.19-27, Jun. 2015. [DOI:10.1007/s12626-015-0052-5]
  5. Masaharu Shimizu, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Simulation Analysis of a Dynamic Reallocation-based Routing Functionality for SAGE Application”, The Review of Socionetwork Strategies, Vol.9, Issue 1, pp.1-18, Jun. 2015. [DOI:10.1007/s12626-015-0051-6]
  6. A. Ancel, I. Assenmacher, K. Baba, J. Cisonni, Y. Fujiso, P. Goncalves, M. Imbert, K. Koyamada, P. Neyron, K. Nozaki, H. Ohsaki, A.C. Orgerie, X. Pelorson, B. Raffin, N. Sakamoto, E. Sakane, S. Wada, S. Shimojo, A.Van Hirtum, “PetaFlow: a global computing-networking-visualisation unit with social impact,” International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS), Issue 4, Volume 2, April 2015.
[International Conference Paper (w/ Review)]

  1. Tatsuya Hashimoto, Ken-ichi Baba, Shinji Shimojo, “Optical path splitting methods for elastic optical network design”, in Proc. of OSA Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, no. AS4H.4, November 2015. [DOI:10.1364/ACPC.2015.AS4H.4]
  2. Baatarsuren Munkhdorj, Keichi Takahashi, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Design and Implementation of Control Sequence Generator for SDN-enhanced MPI”, The 5th International Workshop on Network-aware Data Management(NDM’15), Austin, Nov. 2015. [DOI:10.1145/2832099.2832103]
  3. Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yoshimasa Ishi, Kodai Mako, Tomoya Kawakami, Yuuichi Teranishi, “A Sensor Data Stream Delivery System with Different Delivery Cycles for IoT Environments”, Proceedings of The 6th International Workshop on Streaming Media Delivery and Management Systems (SMDMS 2015) in conjunction with 10th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC 2015), pp.748-753, Nov. 2015.
  4. Tomoya Kawakami, Yoshimasa Ishi, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yuuichi Teranishi, “A P2P Sensor Data Stream Delivery System to Accommodate Heterogeneous Cycles Using Skip Graphs”, Proceedings of The 6th International Workshop on Streaming Media Delivery and Management Systems (SMDMS 2015) in conjunction with 10th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC 2015), pp.742-747, Nov. 2015.
  5. Kohei Ichikawa, Mauricio Tsugawa, Jason Haga, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Te-Lung Liu, Yoshiyuki Kido, Pongsakorn U-Chupala, Che Huang, Chawanat Nakasan, Jo-Yu Chang, Li-Chi Ku, Whey-Fone Tsai, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, Philip Papadopoulos, Jose Fortes, “PRAGMA-ENT: Exposing SDN Concepts to Domain Scientists in the Pacific Rim”, PRAGMA Workshop on International Clouds for Data Science (PRAGMA-ICDS 2015), Oct. 2015. (Best Paper Award)[arXiv:1509.08420]
  6. Lok Wong, Shinji Shimojo, Yuuichi Teranishi, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Jason Haga, “Interactive Museum Exhibits with Microcontrollers: A Use-Case Scenario”, PRAGMA Workshop on International Clouds for Data Science (PRAGMA-ICDS 2015), Oct. 2015. (short paper) [arXiv:1509.07626]
  7. Keichi Takahashi, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, Baatarsuren Munkhdorj, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Eiji Kawai, Shinji Shimojo, “Concept and Design of SDN-enhanced MPI Framework”, The fourth edition of the European Workshop on Software Defined Networks, pp. 109-110, Sep. 2015. [DOI:10.1109/EWSDN.2015.72]
  8. Susumu Date, Yoshiyuki Kido, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, Keichi Takahashi, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Shinji Shimojo, “Toward Flexible Supercomputing and Visualization System”, M. M. Resch et al. (eds.), Sustained Simulation Performance 2015, Springer, 2015. [DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-20340-9_7]
  9. Susumu Date, Hirotake Abe, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, Keichi Takahashi, Yoshuyuki Kido, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Pongsakorn U-Chupala, Kohei Ichikawa, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Eiji Kawai, Shinji Shimojo, “An Empirical Study of SDN-accelerated HPC Infrastructure for Scientific Research”, International Conference Research and Innovation (ICCCRI), Singapore, Oct. 2015. [DOI:10.1109/ICCCRI.2015.13]
  10. Pisit Makpaisit, Kohei Ichikawa, Putchong Uthayopas, Susumu Date, Keichi Takahashi, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, “An Efficient MPI_Reduce Algorithm for OpenFlow-Enabled Network”, 15th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT’15), Nara, Oct. 2015.
  11. Anthony Nguyen, Andréa Matsunaga, Kohei Ichikawa, Susumu Date, Maurício Tsugawa, Jason Haga. “Deployment of a Multi-Site Cloud Environment for Molecular Virtual Screenings”, 11th IEEE International Conference on eScience2015, Munich, Aug. 2015. [DOI:10.1109/eScience.2015.49]
  12. Ikuo Nakagawa, Yoshifumi Hashimoto, Mitsuharu Goto, Masahiro Hiji, Yutaka Kikuchi, Masahiro Fukumoto, Shinji Shimojo, “DHT Extension of m-cloud – Scalable and Distributed Privacy reserving Statistical Computation on Public Cloud”, Proc. of IEEE International Computers, Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2015), pp. 682-683, July 2015. [DOI:10.1109/COMPSAC.2015.94]
  13. Toyokazu Akiyama, Yukiko Kawai, Yuuichi Teranishi, Ryohei Banno, Katsuyoshi Iida, “SAPS: Software Defined Network Aware Pub/Sub”, Proc. of IEEE International Computers, Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2015), pp. 361-366, July 2015. [DOI:10.1109/COMPSAC.2015.81]
  14. Tomoya Kawakami, Yoshimasa Ishi, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yuuichi Teranishi, “A Node Replication Method to Guarantee Reachability for P2P Sensor Data Stream Delivery System on Heterogeneous Churn Situations”, Proc. of IEEE International Computers, Software and Applications Conference Workshops (COMPSACW 2015), pp. 529-534, July 2015. [DOI:10.1109/COMPSAC.2015.265]
[International Conference (Poster・Oral Presentation)]
  1. Arata Endo, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Haruo Takemura, Shinji Shimojo, “Improvement of Scalability in Sharing Visualization Contents for Heterogeneous Display Environments”, International Symposium on Grids & Clouds 2016 (ISGC2016), Taipei, Taiwan, Mar. 17, 2016.
  2. Pongsakorn U-chupala, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Kohei Ichikawa, Susumu Date, “Practicality and Feasibility of Improving Linux Container Utilization with Task Rebalancing Strategy”, PRAGMA 30, Manila, Philippine, 27-29, Jan. 2016. (Poster)(Second Poster Award)
  3. Yasuhiro Watashiba, Susumu Date, Hirotake Abe, Yoshiyuki Kido, Kohei Ichikawa, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Eiji Kawai, Shinji Shimojo, “Toward Flexible and Efficient Computing Resource Service by SDN-enhanced Job Management System Framework”, PRAGMA 30, Manila, Philippine, 27-29, Jan. 2016. (Oral & Demo)
  4. Ikuo Nakagawa, “Distcloud Distributed File System for Resilient Global Services”, PRAGMA 30, Manila, Philippine, 27-29, Jan. 2016. (Oral & Demo)
  5. Jason H. Haga, Richard Hsiao, Hironori Shigeta, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “An Information Interface for Disaster Management Professionals – DADm”, PRAGMA 30, Manila, Philippine, 27-29, Jan. 2016. (Oral & Demo)
  6. Kohei Ichikawa, Hiroki Kashiwazaki, Yoshiaki Kitaguchi, Tohru Kondo, Kazuma Nishiuchi, Ikuo Nakagawa, Yutaka Kikuchi, “DESTCloud: Disaster Emulation and Simulation Testbed for Distributed Computing Environment”, PRAGMA 30, Manila, Philippine, 27-29, Jan. 2016. (Oral)
  7. Yoshiyuki Kido, “VisCloud: Toward Visualization Everywhere”, The 41st Asia Pacific Advanced Network Meeting (APAN41), Manila, Philippine, 24-29, Jan. 2016. (Oral)
  8. Yasuhiro Watashiba, Masaharu Shimizu, Susumu Date, Hirotake Abe, Yoshiyuki Kido, Kohei Ichikawa, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Eiji Kawai, Shinji Shimjo, “Architecture of Controlling Network and Virtualized Computational Resources on SDN-enhanced Job Management System Framework”, The 2nd Annual Meeting on Advanced Computing System and Infrastructure (ACSI2016), Fukuoka, Japan, 16-20, Jan. 2016. (poster) (ACSI2016 Outstanding Poster Award).
  9. Susumu Date, Yoshiyuki Kido, “Current Research on SDN and IoT”, Southeast Asia International Joint-Research and Training Program 2015, Taichung-Keelung, Taiwan, 7-11, Dec. 2015. (Oral)
  10. Ei Khaing Win, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yoshimasa Ishi, Tomoya Kawakami, Yuuichi Teranishi, Shinji Shimojo, “A Stream Merge Method to Reduce Load for Sensor Data Stream Delivery”, GCCE2015, Osaka, Japan, 27-30, Oct. 2015 (poster& demo)
  11. Takuya Yamada, Naoki Shibata, Akira Kawai, Shinji Shimojo, “Proposal of indoor evacuation system with smartphones”, PRAGMA 29, Depok, Indonesia, 7-9, Oct. 2015. (poster) (Most Impactful Talk Award)
  12. Khureltulga Dashdavaa, Munkhdorj Baatarsuren, Keichi Takahashi, Susumu Date, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo, “A MPI Concept with Efficient Control of Network Functionality Based on SDN”, PRAGMA 29, Depok, Indonesia, 7-9, Oct. 2015. (poster)
  13. Arata Endo, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Haruo Takemura, Shinji SHimojo, “An implementation of SAGE Bridge for Sharing Visualized Contents on Multiple Tiled Display Wall Systems”, PRAGMA 29, Depok, Indonesia, 7-9, Oct. 2015. (poster)
  14. Zoha Morsalin Uz, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Research on Visualization Cloud for Scientific Research Collaboration by Leveraging Network-streamed Tiled Display Wall”, PRAGMA 28, Nara, Japan, 8-11, Apr. 2015 (poster)
  15. Arata Endo, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Haruo Takemura, “Improvement of Scalability in Sharing Application Screens between Tiled Display Walls”, PRAGMA 28, Nara, Japan, 8-11, Apr. 2015. (poster)
  16. Ryoichi Jingai, Yoshiyuki Kido, Sususmu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Development of graph visualizasion application for adapting tiled display”, PRAGMA28, Nara, Japan, 8-11, Apr. 2015. (poster)
  17. Masaharu Shimizu, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “A Study on Dynamic Routing Functionality for SAGE Application Properties”, PRAGMA28, Nara, Japan, 8-11, Apr. 2015. (poster)
  18. Pongsakorn U-chupala, Kohei Ichikawa, Putchong Uthayopas, Susumu Date, Hirotake Abe, “Deployment and Evaluation of Bandwidth and Latency Aware Network Over Large-Scale Openflow Testbed”, PRAGMA 28, Nara, Japan, 8-11, Apr. 2015. (poster)
  19. Keichi Takahashi, Baatarsuren Munkhdorj, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, Susumu Date, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo, “Control Sequence Generator for Generic SDN-­enhanced MPI Framework”, PRAGMA 28, Nara, Japan, 8-11, Apr. 2015. (poster)(Best Poster Award)
[Domestic Workshop (w/o Review & Oral Presentation)]
  1. 山田拓哉, 柴田直樹, 孫為華, 伊達進, 下條真司, “スマートフォンに適した位置推定高精度化のためのRSSI補正手法”, 研究報告高度交通システムとスマートコミュニティ(ITS), 2016-ITS-64(8),1-7 (2016-02-29) , pp.2188-8965, Ishikawa, Japan, Mar. 2016.
  2. 村田健史, 山本和憲, 長屋嘉明, 深沢圭一郎, 伊達進, 木戸善之, 荻野正雄, 南里豪志, 建部修見, 木村映善, “HPCにおけるビッグデータポスト処理環境実現のためのデータ伝送実験 京都大学-情報通信研究機構間”, 大学ICT推進協議会2015年度年次大会 (AXIES2015), 2-4, Dec. 2015. (Oral)
  3. 東野秋二, 木戸善之, 安福健祐, 伊達進, 清川清, 下條真司, 竹村治雄, “大型可視化装置における可視化事業の事例について”, 大学ICT推進協議会2015年度年次大会 (AXIES2015), 2-4, Dec. 2015. (Oral)
  4. 川上朋也, 石 芳正, 義久智樹, 寺西裕一, “スキップグラフを用いたスケーラブルなセンサデータ収集システムの検討”, 第23回 マルチメディア通信と分散処理ワークショップ (DPSWS2015) , pp.270-272, Nagasaki, Japan, 14-16, Oct. 2015.
  5. 木戸善之, 瀬野恭彦, 西原秀明, “「組込み適塾」の遠隔講座拡大に向けた超臨場感メディア技術による実証実験”, ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2015, pp.216-217, Tokyo, Japan, 7-9, Sep. 2015. (poster) [https://id.nii.ac.jp/1001/00144891/]
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  7. 真子広大, 石 芳正, 川上朋也, 義久智樹, 寺西裕一, “受信端末の状況に応じて配信周期を選択するセンサデータストリーム配信システム”, マルチメディア,分散,協調とモバイル (DICOMO 2015) シンポジウム論文集, pp. 441-448, Iwate, Japan, Jul. 2015.
  8. 川上朋也, 石 芳正, 義久智樹, 寺西裕一, “複数の異なる配信周期を扱うP2P型センサデータストリーム配信システムのスキップグラフによる実現方法の検討”, マルチメディア,分散,協調とモバイル (DICOMO 2015) シンポジウム論文集, pp.449-455, Iwate, Japan, Jul. 2015.
  9. 石 芳正, 川上朋也, 義久智樹, 寺西裕一, “コンシステントハッシュ法を用いた複数センサデータストリーム配信システムの一実装”, マルチメディア,分散,協調とモバイル (DICOMO 2015) シンポジウム論文集, pp.1852-1856, Iwate, Japan, Jul. 2015.
  10. 山田拓哉, 柴田直樹, 孫為華, 冨永拓也, 下條真司, “スマートフォンに適したRSSIフィンガープリンティングとそれを利用する緊急時避難誘導システムの実機性能評価”, マルチメディア,分散,協調とモバイル (DICOMO 2015) シンポジウム論文集, pp.855-865, Iwate, Japan, Jul. 2015.